Star, get the fuck up, you're laying on the remote

Star, get the fuck up, you're laying on the remote.

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*unzips benis*
the crimes I'm forced to commit

Star, where is your underwear?

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Put the spermicide down, star

damn it Star did you mess your diaper again

she's murdered billions of my sperm cells.

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>Janna... don't stop blowing Marco.

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shes right!

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>Its another Star. vs thread
Use the catalog faggot

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I can’t believe I used to waifu her. Fuck that bitch I hope she dies

>If you think about it rationally, I win in the end... somehow.

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>yfw starco actually won

it was so unsatisfying that it didn't even feel like a win

I don't think she's laying on the remote.
You better wipe it before use.

>>yfw starco actually won
Not after the AMA made everything including Starco a maybe. So those two seasons of shitty drama? All were for nothing.

I dont think you're supposed to feel any sort of satisfaction over getting involved in the love lives of children cartoons

They clearly intended it to be a satisfying conclusion for someone.

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of course yes what the fuck are you talking about?

>children cartoons
About a 30 yr old pedo and a genocide

cause it was rushed at the ending

>it was rushed at the ending
They wouldn't be rushed in the first place if they didn't waste so many episodes on Pony Head, the love triangle and Kellco.

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Also, it was so boring that made people drop the show

Unholy desire for sexual intercourse awakening

A chunk dropped it when they killed off Toffee in an anticlimactic fashion.

damn. that's what Star's butt looks like?