Star, get the fuck up, you're laying on the remote.
Star, get the fuck up, you're laying on the remote
*unzips benis*
the crimes I'm forced to commit
Star, where is your underwear?
Put the spermicide down, star
damn it Star did you mess your diaper again
she's murdered billions of my sperm cells.
>Janna... don't stop blowing Marco.
shes right!
>Its another Star. vs thread
Use the catalog faggot
I can’t believe I used to waifu her. Fuck that bitch I hope she dies
>If you think about it rationally, I win in the end... somehow.
>yfw starco actually won
it was so unsatisfying that it didn't even feel like a win
I don't think she's laying on the remote.
You better wipe it before use.
>>yfw starco actually won
Not after the AMA made everything including Starco a maybe. So those two seasons of shitty drama? All were for nothing.
I dont think you're supposed to feel any sort of satisfaction over getting involved in the love lives of children cartoons
They clearly intended it to be a satisfying conclusion for someone.
of course yes what the fuck are you talking about?
>children cartoons
About a 30 yr old pedo and a genocide
cause it was rushed at the ending
>it was rushed at the ending
They wouldn't be rushed in the first place if they didn't waste so many episodes on Pony Head, the love triangle and Kellco.
Also, it was so boring that made people drop the show
Unholy desire for sexual intercourse awakening
A chunk dropped it when they killed off Toffee in an anticlimactic fashion.
damn. that's what Star's butt looks like?