Is Sari Sumdac the best thing to come out of Transformers Animated?

Is Sari Sumdac the best thing to come out of Transformers Animated?

Attached: EV215x3U4AASaxP.jpg (2800x3667, 588.16K)

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I'm rather fond of Lugnut.

Attached: Lugnut punch.webm (1280x720, 888.93K)

Lugnut was the best. I didn't care for Bulkhead in the beginning but he really grew on me as the series went on.

Attached: Touch and GO!.webm (1280x696, 1.94M)

Why does Hasbro ignore her?

Attached: sari energon.png (915x1305, 421.14K)

Copyright. Hasbro is weird with these for Transformers

Definitely the best human character in the franchise at any rate.

Attached: 1408252157795.png (331x641, 254.44K)

Attached: hrwyjxvizss41.png (2048x1600, 3.37M)

No, that would be TFA Megatron.

>that design
>that charisma
>that Corey Burton voice

He's my favorite version of Megs.

Attached: TFA Megatron.jpg (1280x720, 48.74K)

It was bullshit that we never got a Leader-Class Lugnut figure. We got one for Bulkhead, we should have gotten one for Lugnut.

I was rather fond of Meltdown as well. A neat concept for a non-Decepticon villain.

Same here.

Any coomers want to sell me on this show? Any reason an adult should be watching this baby show?

Attached: Megatron transform.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Attached: Megatron transformation.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Attached: Megatron kills Starscream.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

built for both human and cybertronian dick

I wish japan did a sequel series

Did people like this version of her?

Attached: Transformers_ Animated - Blackarachnia.webm (1080x720, 2.09M)

Wasn't Flame Toys working on a figure for her? Or did that get scrapped because of the whole Windblade debacle?

Attached: Beast Wars_ Transformers_Blackarachnia.webm (640x480, 1.34M)

JAM Project is fucking great.

>you will never

Attached: sari_16.jpg (520x390, 141.14K)

>Not Lockdown, Lugnut, or Blitzwing

I love animated blitzwing but I also love g1 blitzwing. So hard to choose which is better for future series to should take from. (Except for German accent. That should be in every form of Blitz from now on)

Sure she is. Sari is cute, sadly she didn't got a figure of her own like Transformers Prime and Rescue Bots did after.

Attached: Sari_Blackarachnia.png (550x750, 143.23K)

Reminder that Sari is a Transformer with a robot mode and a human beast mode, not a Pretender as some people think.


Technically, a hybrid, Half Human, Half Cybertronian.

~800 screencaps+some webms from TFA, mostly of Sari:

Attached: Transformers Animated 345 - S1E14.jpg (1280x716, 129.28K)

Yeah, but I would still rather get more Sky-Byte.

Yes you goddamn moron, just like how Cheetor is half robot, half cheetah, and Starscream is half robot, half jet. They're Transformers.

Sky-Byte wasn't in Animated. He did recently show up in Cyberverse, though.