Is Bruce Wayne a Christian?

Is Bruce Wayne a Christian?

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They keep pushing him as a jew. Fucking disgusting.

He has seen the vast expanses of the universe and has met several gods and was at one point in a relationship with an amazonian probably not

No he’s typically either an atheist or an agnostic because of Muh parents. His father is usually a WASP so he was probably raised as one.

He's from a wasp family

he is in Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.

His mother's brother married a jewish woman.

As noted because of Bruce's personal life experiences, he doesn't believe that there's any kind of all-powerful, all knowing, loving god out there.

He is?

He's so rich he can just break the law as a hobby, how is he NOT a jew?

He was religious early in childhood, and moving on into the 80's he became a agnostic, especially after the Dark Knight Strikes Again, where he's struggling with his life.

Most recent writers have just thrown it out the window, but in early issues by Bob Kane, he is clearly praying as a child.

He is.

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>is bruce wayne in MY desert tribe?

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He was in the Nolan trilogy

No, he worships Superman's asscheeks

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He's a wealthy American capitalist and likely protestant. He is his own god.

He's intelligent, so yes.

He’s definitely from a WASP background but I think the only thing he worships is justice.

Batman is edgy so he's an atheist.

Where? He’s definitely not Jewish. Bob Kane, his creator, WAS actually Jewish and he designed him specifically to not be Jewish.

Bruce is culturally Christian, adheres to the social norms, celebrates the major holidays, etc. But he doesn't go to church and doesn't really believe in any of it.

Well he personally knows the Spectre and Zauriel. He make not like it but YHWH is a reality in his world.

In BTAS and most prior, he was a Christian. In later runs, it depended mostly on how much the writer gave a shit about the subject. Typically, though, he's the stereotype of what religious people think atheists are. That is to say, people who believe in god, but are 'mad' at him and say they're atheist to be edgy.

I've never seen him portrayed as an actual atheist, but as an atheist that's just fine, since it makes zero sense for someone in the DC universe to be one, considering he knows some actual gods by name.

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He's a wealthy American from the early 20th century. Of course he's jewish.

>Bob Kane, his creator, WAS actually Jewish and he designed him specifically to not be Jewish.

no one who likes Batman gives a fuck about Bob Kane

oh yeah now that I think about it he's probly WASP

he wouldn't believe that desert shit. Why would anybody in DC when they have real, tangible gods

Why do christfags want him to be Christian so bad? Fucking weirdos.

The Wayne's have hovered somewhere between Catholic, lapsed Catholic and WASP since the silver age depending upon whether or not Batman needed to fight a vampire or ghost or demon and needed a convenient crucifix or chapel or consecrated ground. Post-TDKR Bruce is most often depicted as a struggling agnostic on the fence between outright atheism and Christianity. Some of the best bits have been his conversations with the spectre but comics in general have distanced themselves further and further from any depiction of YHWH and that makes it easier to put Batman in the "I don't know what I don't know" middle ground (which most companies in general seem to believe will represent the broadest audience.)

It's just this new breed of tradcaths.

I thought he was half atheist and half religious?

Because to some Christians anything that isn't is inherently anti-Christian, and those types of Christians tend to be very vocal.

Not since he was 8