/shelf/ time?

/shelf/ time?

Don't know where to buy? Try these:
amazon.com/ (known to manhandle books with bad packaging)
instocktrades.com/ (worldwide shipping, often has sales)
mycomicshop.com (worldwide shipping)
alibris.com/ (Amazon alternative, it doesn't have the usual fees, it ships worldwide and accepts PayPal)
[your local comic shop here]

Are you Euro or UK and don't know where you should buy? Try these:
cheap-comics.com (EU)
speedyhen.com (UK, hefty fees if delivery address outside of UK)
bookdepository.com (free worldwide shipping but known to manhandle books)
tfaw.com (worldwide shipping)
booktopia.com.au (AUS/NZ, free shipping if referral by Booko)

Price Comparison website(s):

New list of things out next week:

Upcoming Omnibus/Hardcovers:

>Thread Question
Which Marvel Essentials are actually better in black & white?

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Other urls found in this thread:


also, i will post my shelfs, but i'm in the process of reorganizing, so stuff is still a bit all over the place. and there will be a lot of European stuff. Bear with me.

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Why not

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>Don't know where to buy?
Thanks. Now can you tell me how to eat soup? The liquid just goes through my fork and eating out of the bowl with my hands doesn't feel right.

shelf time = best time, imho

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Reminder that the comics industry should have died years ago, and that buying comics in ANY form (floppies, trades, digital) equals supporting a cancerous cesspool of virtue signaling and SJW leftist propaganda.
Don't buy comics. Don't show off your collections. Let the medium die as it deserves.

gee, don't be a nag.
best way to eat soup:
1. remove your left eye with a spoon
2. pour in soup
3. ???

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Careful with that edge, son.

Do yourself a favor and finish Mouse Guard.

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QUESTION! Are these places still taking orders and shipping them? I'm not sure what's what given the COVID-19 nonsense

thanks, daaaaddyyy :3

i plan on doing so but right now i'm somewhat busy trying to complete a Tardi series (Adele)

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i only use cheap-comics.com regularly, can't speak of the others

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oh, and cheap-comics confirmed an order i placed today, no mention of any problems. lets see if thats the case

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Thats that.
What did you guys buy lately?

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New books. I've got a lot of manga coming in the next few weeks, so of course I had to order more Western comics to keep my images Yas Forums related.
The 8th volume of Buddha was available for only $2 and the series has been on my list for a while, so I'll be picking up the rest of it over the next couple months.
Fallen Words is what I'm reading now, I've been interested in rakugo for a couple years so it's a real treat. It's a pretty dirty used copy, but I'm too excited to read it to spend time cleaning it.
Tetris was good. I'll be picking up the rest of Box Brown's stuff eventually.
Haven't started Kid Lobotomy yet, but it's Milligan and I've enjoyed the rest of the Black Crown stuff I've read. I'm sure it won't be disappointing.

Aside from this I'm finally reading the Werewolf by Night omnibus I got in 2017. I'm going through the issues a lot faster than I expected with the amount of text, and I'm glad to finally be giving attention to some of my neglected omnis.

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Posting in a dead hobby.

Is there anywhere I can get the original coloration of Simonson's Thor run? I understand the current omnibus edition is the garbage digital recoloring.


Still been reading through Moore Swamp Thing, finished Crisis and the Batman vrs Swamp Thing stuff. I always seem to like the background stuff in that run more than the main stuff. Like I find it interesting the way the people of Gotham act, and don't give a shit about Batman.

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stop posting on Yas Forums covid-chan!

>but it's Milligan
Milligan hasn't written anything good in like 15 years now...

Stuff that isnt boxed up right now

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I have not organized my living room yet but these are hanging out in my bedroom right now.

I think you have to hunt own the Thor Visionaries version.

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Recent pickups due to isolation retail therapy. 1/4

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i want the whole Marvel Horror stuff to get a reprint in b&w. is hat really so much to ask?

Upper-half of my shelf. 2/4

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Lower-half of my shelf. That shelf is soon going to be just Duck stuff. 3/4

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Art books, JoJo, and misc really. I need another big shelf so these can be properly displayed. 4/4

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Duck is love. But is the Fourth World worth it? People want ~200 Euros for the omni -.-