Not even digitigrade

>not even digitigrade
What the hell happened?
What signaled the degration of Star Trek and most sci-fi?

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Animators suck at digitigrade, so they gave her human legs. Either that, or somebody rubbed skin to conceive her.

>What signaled the degration of Star Trek and most sci-fi?
People on the internet kept saying "Furry bad" and so most of the current gen of animation writer grew with that mind set, so they are afraid they will be called furry if they include sexy animal lady.

Same reason Thundercats look this way, really.

You'll have to wait for the generation that is growing up on Zootopia, Beast Star and nu-DuckTales to see their return.

Attached: 0.png (720x540, 445.75K)

2 words, Social, Justice.


Maybe M'Ress just has really big feet.

You literally didn't understand the post you suddenly assaulted with those programmed sentences of yours. It take lots of efforts to be so devoid of individuality. You are merely a while loop.

Nope see It's anti-furry who are guilty of this.

>What signaled the degration of Star Trek and most sci-fi?
JJ Abrams

get fucked furfag paw fetishist

So this is supposed to be canon? That's after her rape?

When social justice for Gorn?

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>Animators suck at digitigrade, so they gave her human legs.
That animator, animating on her own, didn't seem to have issue making anthro walk digitigradely:

Attached: 0.jpg (1280x720, 89.11K)

>People on the internet kept saying "Furry bad" and so most of the current gen of animation writer grew with that mind set, so they are afraid they will be called furry if they include sexy animal lady.
Is this why most sci-fi has these humans with tumors and skin cancer instead of anything even slightly coherent and realistic like all the other animals we've seen here on Earth ?

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No, not really, and you just quoted the person that showed you wrong. Also, the actual cause is there

>bleep bleep hate loop in motion bleep spam more and don't read bleep
It's hard to believe you can still actually breath by yourself.

The piece of shit that was Star Trek First Contact

Attached: pieceofshit.png (693x323, 368.39K)

>Not even digitigrade
For digitigrade legs to work on bipedal animals that walk (not hop), they'd practically look plantigrade anyway like the ones in the left image. And at that point, you're asking animators to animate an entire additional joint. Yeah right.

Why would life on other planets look identical to life on this one planet we live on, you mung?

No, it's just budget limitation for making people look alien in stra treck&co.

Gotta admit Star Wars was doing more effort in that department.

>they'd practically look plantigrade anyway like the ones in the left image.
The one on the left is the same character from the old Star Track animated show. on the right it's the same, with a new design, whose legs are not made differently. This is precisely the issue of OP.

The Kzinti need to make a come back since Riker mentioned them.

Attached: Kzinti ambush.webm (960x720, 1.04M)

>What signaled the degration of Star Trek and most sci-fi?
Roddenberry's death. He was the one with a vision of the future, with a dream of a new humanity free of material need and petty grievance.

With his death popular sci-fi became overwhelmingly dark, sophomoric, or both. Poor attempts at addressing modern issues instead of looking past them. After a while people forgot the vision of Star Trek, even those writing for it.

Picard is such a terrible series. How the fuck are you going to try to introduce income inequality in world with fucking replicators.

Into Darkness. The first JJ Trek movie was flawed but had a great cast and set up a new interesting universe, but proceeded to just make a shitty version of Wrath of Kahn and butcher all the characters instead of doing something new or interesting with the Kelvin timeline. Everything since has been terrible.

>And at that point, you're asking animators to animate an entire additional joint. Yeah right.

Not identical per se, but similar
Animals from other worlds really can't look that different from Earth's. There's already so many different forms we've already seen here
And obviously something like a lyran or reptilian is not at all identical to what we've seen on Earth, it only loosely resembles a more primitive form we've seen here. Like how humans look similar to mice since they stemmed from them

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That's m'ress on the right?
Why is she a doctor?

Weren't they confirmed to be entirely different characters though?

That animator isn't constrained by budget, deadlines, or risk-averse producers and marketing execs with borderline dementia.

Even early trek tried harder though

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Star Trek died the minute the Corporate Overlords decided its hard to sell "a future where mankind sorted its shit out (for the most part, putting aside a few bad apples)." Way easier to sell "we've learned fucking nothing except how to build spaceships and lasers."

>Picard is such a terrible series. How the fuck are you going to try to introduce income inequality in world with fucking replicators.
I thought the ar against the Changelings had led to such an increase in paranoia and control that it had lead to the resurgence of old demons of humanity (haven't seen the show myself, just to be clear).

I’m hoping T’Ana turns out to be endearing or interesting in a Princess Carolyn kind of way, although I’m really not expecting any characterization beyond ‘grumpy middle-aged space cat’

Isn't bottom-left an edit?

Wrong, if anything, alien animals would look like nothing remotely earth-like, outside of the most primitive and simple beings like jellyfishes and sea sponges.

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Digitigrade looks stupid on those types of characters. They always look like they must be in constant pain b/c of the strain on their feet.

>tfw the original Star Trek Animated Series looks better than this new show

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>That animator isn't constrained by budget
Dude, that animator DIDN'T HAVE a budget. you are not making a point.

Not to mention, there exist plenty of current show with complex animations.

"digitigrade is hard to animate" is a complete bullshit reply.

>Animals from other worlds really can't look that different from Earth's
What a stupid fucking thing to say.

I agree, it's really gross what happened
And for what reason?

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If anything, it is us who are in constant pain.

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