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Guess who's dying in the next episode!


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No, he isn't dying... They can't...
He is a fan favorite.... Noooooooooooooooooooo

nah, they can't kill off kite-man. he's too cool. can they?

This. They can't.

>they'll potentially kill off best boy so the Harley/Ivy shippers can have their way
I want off this ride.

T-they can't. They won't do it...

Harley and Ivy.

Oh god he is going to get dumped at the altar!

So, did he propose her or?

Meme character.

>BASED character

Bingo. Dude was competing with Catwoman and still won out. Dude is a sex machine.

he will die, right?


Spoiler: At the altar, a villain kills KiteMan and Poison Ivy unleashes all of Mother Nature's fury.

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We had a guy who worked on the scripts for the show post in the talkback thread; he confirmed that the Harley/Ivy ship is forced as hell, only happening to appease the twitter/reddit crowd. Also Darkseid is coming, but that's to be expected since Malice Vundabar hasn't shown up yet.

Yeah this is pretty stupid. It's almost as if these writers are stupid, like having having Ivy dump toxic waste into Gotham Bay

Spoiler: no man can ever live up to Kiteman so Ivy turns gay

But I love Ivy/Kiteman

Hell yeah

Oh shit, they're gonna do the age old "I object!" cliche, aren't they? Hmm, that would have potential to be kino.

>he confirmed that the Harley/Ivy ship is forced as hell, only happening to appease the twitter/reddit crowd.
That was his opinion. He didn't confirm shit. Also he didn't work on the script, but on subtitles. He wasn't involved in the production. Learn reading comprehension.

Yes user, my father also works at Nintendo too.

Wasn't it either Catwoman or Harley that convinced Ivy to accept the proposal?

It was Harley giving her consent. Catwoman was telling her to go solo.

Well Catwoman said exactly what we were all thinking. That Ivy has become a sidekick to Harley and needs to start focusing on herself again. Harley only drags Ivy down.

Is this Human Kite?

Isn't it weird how this all kind of backfires on the writer, that we end up agreeing with characters like Catwoman and sometimes Joker? I think one of the reasons why I like Ivy with Kite Man is that he doesn't really stop her from doing her own thing as opposed to Harley, who keeps guilt tripping her into doing crimes for her

Yeah, I ship Harlivy and yet I'd prefer Ivy stayed with Kiteman in this series. Lol.

We're going to get polyamory ending. Ivy is bisexual and loves both. Kiteman satisfies her heterosexually and Harley satisfies her lesbianism. She shouldn't have to choose. Ivy and Kiteman are going to stay together as a couple. And Because Kiteman is a loving and understanding and supportive husband he'll understand that Ivy and Harley love each other too and be supportive of Ivy having a little girl's love on the side.

>they do it after establishing him as a total bro, having several episodes about his relationship with Ivy and a marriage proposal
Why even bother setting it up at all then? Make it HarleyxIvy from the beginning.

Because muh shock value