How would they fare in DC or Marvel?

How would they fare in DC or Marvel?

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Superman beats them all up.

Alright, good talk.

This thread deserved to end that fast.

They would rape everyone from the new physic energy that they'd just acquired.

Seems like they would be 4 more cosmic horrors for dr strange to deal with. Possibly after Stark fall to Slaneesh and Reed Richard is tempted by Tzeench.

dunno what this is but thats clearly an anger guy, a smart guy. a glutton guy and a lust guy who is a girl because guys can't represent lust for some reason

>dunno what this is

War, famine, plague and tits.

Probably they job to Batman.

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they would rapidly chance since there in another and are reflection of the subconscious of all the living minds

there would be a lot more magic users awakening with dark power but the justice league guardians of Oa would the forces of apocalypse would stop that from being a huge problem problem

eventually they'd manifest and then it be a big even where they'd be sealed away.

ultimately they'd be a lot weaker but still a cosmic lvl threat