Just a reminder this actually happened

Just a reminder this actually happened.

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Homer ass is pretty funny

hahaha, they're fat and dressing up like women, haha so funny and smart, hilarious, best simpson and family guy joke this decade 5 stars and a like

Bojacucks still seething, I see.

Anyone else not hate the Simpsons Family Guy crossover? I went in expecting the worse and honestly got a few chuckles out of two shows far passed the prime poking fun at each other. That being said, i fucking loathed the scene OP posted. One of those Family guy jokes thats not funny and needs to be dragged out as long as possible.

you will think of this song every time you hear Def Leppard

which is never because its 2020 and zoomers don't know that band

I mean I enjoyed the meta jokes comparing the 2 shows' beer brands.

Just a reminder this actually happened.

Attached: Steven Universe Uncle Grandpa Crossover.jpg (650x362, 76.05K)

Thank you

It showed a bare loli ass, so at least there's that.

So why are they dressed as Poison?

That was pretty funny

Who turned them into bad bitches?

I expected them to at least try to be funny since it was a pretty important episode, instead we got an episode not even trying to land a single joke, just an episode of both shows sucking each other dicks
>oh you're so iconic
>lmao what if X and X did X together lol


Maybe Bart and Stewie

The only problem I had with it was it was purely from the perspective of Family Guy none of the writing team from the Simpsons were involved

Harry Shearer boycotted this thing. Good for him.

Imagine Marge and Lois doing this


I didn’t hate it but it was the first time I noticed how flat family guy was simpsons had a great sense of depth in its original style and all of the characters really seemed pasted on top of the backgrounds in this

Just a reminder that this happened

Attached: CF49C14B-021E-4DBB-90C8-E3AA9D51EA02.png (250x188, 67.38K)

I still don't get it


Family guy is good
Simpsons has been soulless for over a decade now
This crossover was good if you actually bother to watch it/pay attention
That car wash joke was funny
Not every cartoon needs to be serialized or serious

Homer has a pretty shapely ass.

Better than the SImpsons.


Wrong. THIS actually happened before that actually happened.

Was this a family guy episode featuring the simpsons or a simpsons episode featuring family guy?