Why are so many Marvel characters, let's say, uh... "inspired", by DC characters? Thanos is pretty much Darkseid, Deadpool is so close to Deathstroke that Wade Wilson and Slade Wilson are almost the same name, Captain Marvel is Superman, Namor is Aquaman, the X-Men are the Doom Patrol, the list goes on. Is it even legal to do this?
Why are so many Marvel characters, let's say, uh... "inspired", by DC characters? Thanos is pretty much Darkseid...
Because DC came first
>Thanos is pretty much Darkseid
Same creator, like how Mantis got ported over to every universe Englehart touched
>Deadpool is so close to Deathstroke that Wade Wilson and Slade Wilson are almost the same name
Very obvious parody
>Namor is Aquaman
Namor came first
>Captain Marvel is Superman
>X-Men are the Doom Patrol
This loser doesn't even read comics. Don't you know that superman clearly stole his whole patriotic hero shtick from captain america and that wonder woman is straight up knock off of marvel's aphrodite.
This. Thread over folks
Guess DC is a little bit quicker. But it seems Marvel is much more successfull in executing these characters.
Namor predates Aquaman and the X-Men and Doom Patrol were created so close to each other that it's impossible for one of them to be a rippoff. Also, silver age Doom Patrol was pretty much DC doing a take on the Fantastic Four. Really Doom Patrol went on the resemble X-Men more as it went on. Deadpool was only really a Deathstroke rippoff early on and later writers gave him more of an identity. Also you could easily call Deathstroke a Taskmaster rippoff if you wanted. Calling Captain Marvel a Superman rippoff is a stretch.
>X-Men are the Doom Patro
I would guess it isnt a stretch, but only a copied team book idea.
And what's up with the X-Force? Why do they have the same name as the X-Men?
Jim Starlin didn't create Darkseid
FFS, "artist" can't stop temselves from drawing Thanos with the Gauntlet.
And are they aware that those glowing jewels are not just to make him prettier ?
I don't understand the problem. Darkseid would wreck Thanos even with the Gauntlet.
IG users are stronger than True Self Darkseid
Or, to be fair, they were before all the retcons and Marvel shitting on his cosmic hierarchy
>>X-Men are the Doom Patrol
Really not. Martin Goodman was relentless about copying other publisher's comics, going back to the pulp days and well into the Silver Age. X-Men came mere months after Doom Patrol. They even had the same tagline.
No, Captain Mar-Vell is Captain Marvel
That wasn't until a revamp, plus we're talking about Car-Ell.
It's okay to copy from the competition
It goes both ways dumbass
>Deadpool is so close to Deathstroke
You dumb motherfucker.
YOu dumb motherfucker.
Fat black man from space so violent. Killed an innocent skeleton.
Explain to me why Darkseid is fighting Skeletor?
>>Thanos is pretty much Darkseid
>Same creator
Why is no one pointing out this blatant lie!?
Counterpoint, DC recently did a whole line of Not-Marvel characters themselves.
But the answer is good templates. Some ideas or concepts are just really good, and it’s up to the writes to create a different character. For example, I honestly love Starlin Thanos (up to Infinity Gauntlet) more than any incarnation of Darkseid. I just find him a really fascinating character, and I hated that they made the MCU version so different.
>Same creator
No, Superman got most inspiration from Philip Wylie's novel GLADIATOR. Also, Doc Savage had his Arctic Fortress of Solitude more than twenty years before Superman did.
Gee, I'm hoping it's just ignorance. Of course Darkseid was a Jack Kirby creation.
Aquaman was 2 years after namor, and the Doom Patrol seems more like the fantastic four than x-men
>Same creator,
Man, did you know that Jim Starlin and Jack Kirby were literally the same person?
Doom Patrol was much more a Fantastic Four swipe. Negative Man is a recolored Human Torch. Robotman and the Thing are bad-tempered nonhuman strongmen who go on rampages and who are colored the same. Elast-girl is often show stretching her limbs. There's no invisibity, though
who the FUCK is jack kirby