Was this the most patronising scene in comic book movie history?
Was this the most patronising scene in comic book movie history?
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Any other scene cotaining Shuri gets second place.
I don't watch capeshit give context
My girlfriend is the most ardent feminist I've ever met in my life and she leaned over and groaned "ugh, pandering" during this scene.
The entire catwoman movie
>Spidey is in trouble
>only the girls rush to save him
Tom Holland hottest Avenger confirmed?
I noticed it. I didn't care. Not even slightly. Why did it bother you?
Not really. that final battle was full of cool posing and cool spot and "he did the thing". It's jusat as much part of it.
My mother liked it. Depends of the taste. You can't love everything, so you gotta accept that a story will have things that please other, even if it doesn't please you.
I can't imagine any "feminist" who would genuinely like that scene.
Nothing emphasizes just how irrelevant to the overall story the female characters are better than jamming them all into a single scene and then promptly going back to the plot squarely written around the male characters.
They should've just cut the girl power scene and replaced is with a 15 second clip of maskless tom furiously twerking on the battlefield. That would've made the movie go from a 6/10 to an 8/10.
Definitely the cringiest.
>I can't imagine any "feminist" who would genuinely like that scene.
there were plenty. They just saw it as fanservice, which it is and there is nothing wrong with that.
>and then promptly going back to the plot squarely written around the male characters.
Okay, thank you for confirmeing you didn't saw the movie, because that pausing is followed by all of them actually getting into action and doing their part in the battle.
All the female heroes who were shown in different parts of the battlefield show up out of nowhere to do an all girl line-up that completely takes you out of the moment because they're posing instead of fighting.
Most of them already were doing their part in the battle before, you know.
>that completely takes you out of the moment because they're posing instead of fighting.
Not really, there were plenty of posing cool moment in that final fight, it's just one of them.
And it's not so much out of nowhere, they came to help protect the Gauntlet.
>nothing wrong with fanservice
Yeah, no. Fanservice is bad when it does not happen organically and it just becomes lame pandering. That's what this was.
>not really
Yes really.
They were all fighting in different places. The fact that it's only women who scrambled to protect the one thing everyone is fighting over for a girl-power moment is dumb and will never not be dumb no matter how much you pretend otherwise.
Yup, and they continue afterwrad too, therefore, proving user there wrong when he say they were useless. Thanks for backing my point.
>Fanservice is bad when it does not happen organically
But it was. They were all there to help with the gauntlet. It's just as justified as the together grouphost in the first avenger movie.
>They were all fighting in different places.
And then they gathered. Nothing wrong with that.
>The fact that it's only women who scrambled to protect the one thing everyone is fighting over for a girl-power moment is dumb
Not really. It's just how it happened. in-story, it's not an impossible thing to happens and out-of-story, it make for a cool shot for fans who like things like this.
Not everything is there to please you specifically. There are other people in the audience whose taste vary a bit from you.
You have 4 males to every female in the final battle. How is it organic that not one male showed up to protect the gauntlet, but all the women did?
Gonna say no.
"Doing their part" great, so were the anonymous wakandans on rhinos.
But none of them had any important role in the story, and could easily be cut without anybody noticing.
Captain marvel could have been replaced by a nuclear bomb or a giant alien squid for all her importance to the plot.
Black widow and gamora were the only "important" women in the movie, both of them killed off because men's love for them is more important than the actual characters.
I can see how it was pandering when I thought about it, but when I saw it on screen I thought it was an A-Force reference and not a girl power thing.
>How is it organic that not one male showed up to protect the gauntlet, but all the women did?
Simple coincidence. sometimes, things just happens. It's organic because there is no need for justification.
>There are other people in the audience whose taste vary a bit from you.
You mean dumb consumers who do not question their corporate overlords and cheer and clap at anything their master serve them?
If you wanted female fanservice, there's a way to do it without being retarded.
Its no more a coincidence than Billy Batson being chosen because the Wizard couldn't find any pure kids, then he happens to be adopted into a large foster family with a ton of absolutely 100% pure kids.
>"Doing their part" great, so were the anonymous wakandans on rhinos.
they were all relatively important protagonist in their own movies. they are given the importance they deserve as supporting character in a all gathering movie type like avengers. They are given the screen time they deserve for the importnace of their characcter. that's well done, there, no reason to complain.
>But none of them had any important role in the story, and could easily be cut without anybody noticing.
And if they were given a more important role than the one they got in End game, you would complain that they would have a too important role.
You only feel that way because you're a sexist incel. For women, who aren't used to seeing women on the big screen as heroes, this was an important moment in cinema if not world history.
>You mean dumb consumers
Not a bait, I 100% mean it. there is no valid reason to complain about it.
Women being patronising? Why I never...!
I didn’t feel very empowered, that’s for sure
That one's logical though. Not spending centuries sitting on a throne in a rock makes Billy was a better judge of character than the Wizard.
>And if they were given a more important role than the one they got in End game, you would complain that they would have a too important role.
I mean, Yas Forums most certainly would, because women are not allowed to have important roles. I, personally, however, an an sjw cuck tumblrite beta leftist sōybōy, and would have liked that.
Cool posing has always been a staple of cape-comics. It's not only "dumb consumers" who enjoy this, but any comics book fans who like the language code the medium use and enjoy seeing it being translated in movies.
Well your important milestone sacrificed immersion for pandering woke points. Also blaming sexism might be easy, but its far from honest.
One of my favorite scenes involves Wanda v Thanos. One of my favorite characters is the Wasp.
Youre right. That scene however didnt rank as cool posing.
>sacrificed immersion
No, it didn't. nothing in it ruin immersion. there is no reason for it to do.
>Also blaming sexism might be easy
Well, I don't know if you are sexist, but if you didn't dislike cool posing groupshot of female, you wouldn't have yourself arbitrary ruining yourself immersion. Food for thought.
It did for me.
if there's only a 1% chance that it is, Martha
Yes. It pulled me right out of the movie and it made no fucking sense as to why all the women decided to stop fighting so they could all meet up to do this. I also find it highly unlikely that none of the male heroes didn't give a shit to help out Spiderman.
Or maybe the scene felt forced and unnatural to a large number of movie goers and it has nothing to do with sexism.
A good test to see if something is wrong is to swap your demographics. Like, if black face is wrong, then white face is wrong.
If the movie instead had all the men, in the middle of battle, jump in for a group shot, id be asking the same questions in reverse.
>where the hell did all the ladies go?
>did they really have time for this?
>I guess the producers wanted some points with certain crowds. This really takes me out of the scene. I hope they stop standing around and start helping again soon, people are dying.