I miss this show
I miss this show
i just miss the moms
Me too, OP, me too...
You miss the concept of the show.
The show itself was mostly boring trash.
Speak for yourself
me too
you're wrong
>The show itself was mostly boring trash
says you
Robo-Shannon is easily the best girl.
Post the human version
Glorified newground tier parody of vidya characters with a bootleg steven as MC.
You could just say that you didn't watch the series bro
Great series with the improvement of anime characters with a superior steven as MC.
I don't
You could just say that you watch the series bro
I did, since the pilots were available in fact. Then they picked the ugliest lamest most retarded artstyle. This show is trash and is a new low in animation, represents everything wrong in the industry and will be influence for new shows for decades to come. RIP
I do
I did, since the pilots were ugly in fact. Then they picked the most beautiful interesting the most clever artstyle. This show is kino and is a new great in animation, represents everything right in the industry and will be influence for new shows for decades to come. YES
This level cope jesus christ
>ok ko is accused of copying others
>decides to defend it samefagging and copying others
Not really helping your case buddy.
I miss enids booty :(
It was an overall weak show that will age poorly due to lazy animation and how it bizarrely dated itself around internet pop culture trends.
20-40 something fags on social media like it because it catered to them so much they may as well have been in the credits. No little kid is going:
>"Hell yeah, the spooky girls from the 1988 Scooby-Doo TV-movie Ghoul School! I love Captain Planet!"
>"Oh no, the CEO of POW cards was a chauvinistic anti-kappa bigot! Good thing he's being tormented in hell while this thicc-ass puppy woman who did all the hard work anyway takes over."
>"Boxman and Professor Venomous are such gay dads, I want them to act more and more like an old married couple."
"Masturbatory" is a word that encapsulates OKKO perfectly.
Either the writing is jerking you off, or you're jerking off to the characters, or both.
I'm not even going to drag out the dead horse, it's not a question of politics but target audience.
It makes me wonder what the show would have looked like if they dropped the pretense and just wrote it for Adult Swim.
Same. I appreciate it for keeping to the spirit of just being a fun cartoon that didn't let itself get wrapped up in lore and milking the audience for "MUH FEELS" like so many of its contemporaries.
It was an overall strong show that will age perfectly due to good animation and how it bizarrely not dated itself around internet pop culture trends.
20-40 something chads on social media like it because it didn't catered them so much they may as well have been in the intro. Every little kid is going:
>"Hell yeah, the spooky girls from the 1988 Scooby-Doo TV-movie Ghoul School! I love Captain Planet!"
>"Oh no, the CEO of POW cards was a chauvinistic anti-kappa bigot! Good thing he's being tormented in hell while this thicc-ass puppy woman who did all the hard work anyway takes over."
>"Boxman and Professor Venomous are such gay dads, I want them to act more and more like an old married couple."
"Kino" is a word that encapsulates OKKO perfectly.
Either the writing is interestimg you off, or you're kino off to the characters, or both.
I'm not even going to drag out the dead kino, it's a question of politics but not target audience.
It makes me not wonder what the show would have looked like if they dropped the pretense and just wrote it for Adult Swim.
Not same. I didn't appreciate it for keeping to the spirit of just being a fun cartoon that didn't let itself get wrapped up in lore and milking the audience for "MUH FEELS" like so many of its contemporaries.
It was an overall blorp show that will age blorp due to blorp animation and how it blorped itself around blorp.
20-40 something earthlings on social media like it because it blorped to them so much they may as well have been in the credits. Every little kid is going:
>"Ha ha blorp!"
"Blorp" is a word that encapsulates OKKO perfectly.
Either the writing is blorping you off, or you're blorping off to the characters, or both.
I'm not even going to drag out the blorp, it's not a question of politics but target audience.
It makes me wonder what the show would have looked like if they dropped the blorp and just wrote it for crinkly wrinkly.
It's a shame that Rad never got an arc the same way KO and Enid did. I'm sure his visit to Planet X was supposed to be it, but had to get canned when the staff found out they only had one season left.
I agree with this user. Show was a waste of a good concept.