We have all the stones

>we have all the stones
>should we revive tony? black widow?
>nah, the script wont let us do anything beyond undoing the snap

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Hulk already said he tried to bring back Nat when he did the snap, it didn't work. Would Hulk have to sacrifice another arm to bring back Tony?

>I only watched the CinemaSins video about it


>time to bait capeshit fans

I can buy that the Stones won't let people who were sacrificed for usages of the stones but you repair infrastructure with them still.

That's bad writing. One of the stones literally changes reality.

The latter.
It's always easy and not time consuming at all.

Okay so who gives up their life to snap Tony's back?

Why wouldn't the reality warping stone just be able to warp reality so that he isn't dead? If he can't be revived why can't it just make a second Tony? If there's any of Tony's DNA on earth which there all but certainly is why couldn't they just make a clone with the stones?

amputate hulks arm and give him a cybernetic then just snap with that theres no rule that the glove needs flesh

Ethical concerns? Because if somebody warped reality so that a reasonable facsimile of me could be born and take my place, I'd be worried. If I wasn't dead, anyway.

imagine being so smoothbrain you think you're smart for questioning the logistics of some magic space rocks

The reality stone was never shown to be that powerful on it's own

Its literally the topic of the thread, you nonce.


Wasn't the whole idea that the stones could only bring back people who were erased by the stones, and not actually dead people?

tony made a hologram of himself to continue his work once he was dead I really doubt he would mind a perfect clone if anything he would prefer it cause an ai is still flawed

I guess that'd mean Hulk just assumed he couldn't bring back Tony since he couldn't bring back Widow which means they could've brought Tony back.

No in fact the entire reason they did it that way instead of just rewinding time like in the comics is because Tony had a daughter and he didn't want her (along with all the other people who were conceived and born during the interval) to unexist

What about people who died in airplanes because they suddenly lost the cabin crew during the snap?

Or car accidents where drivers disappeared, or lost focus because their passengers suddenly disappeared?

Maybe the rule is you can’t bring a sacrificed soul back. But theoretically you could “revive” Tony and “create” a new Nat.

Still, how do you tell the difference between the “revived” and “created”. I suppose you could look into gaps in their memories and tell that way. But the Gauntlet might just be too perfect in that.

If both were revived, you would be creating new life. Hard to say if you can prove that Tony’s soul is back. But you do have the Soul Stone... so Tony is revived and Nat is a clone!

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how late are you to this holy shit

the thread is retarded, though, user

>“create” a new Nat.
Would her tits be bigger?

>everyone’s all sad
>except Pym
>he just showed up to laugh at a dead Stark shit

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Super God makes a good point.

Most of Endgame is unwatchable.
I enjoyed it on theaters because I was expecting something as retarded as The Last Jedi and it almost goes there.

The entire movie could had been averted by just grabbing the time gem to rebuild the original gauntlet that Thanos destroyed, not to mention the time gem was the easiest to grab.

Or have Ant-Man go subatomic to retrieve enough pieces of the time gem to recreate the gauntlet.

let's not even pretend that any of the capeshit is as bad as any of the new star wars stuff


Why didn't Hulk just snap away Thanos in the beginning?
I mean he has two arms.

Not permanent changes It seems. When he used it in IW to incapacitate Drax and Mantis they turned back to normal once he went away.

but the gun?

You mean Starlord's or someone else's? Did it keep shooting bubbles once Thanos left?

Why didn't they use the gauntlet to undo all of thanos' damage instead of just bringing everyone back?

didn't the gun and the knife turn into bubbles

Dr Strange used the time stone to bring back countless people to life after the initial attack on the Hong Kong sanctum. Nat's situation is different in that she exchanged her life for the soul stone rendering her revival impossible.


The knife did, so maybe it is inconsistent writing after all.