"Newgrounds Style" is a pretty established and accepted term now...

"Newgrounds Style" is a pretty established and accepted term now, but what's the animation in particular that most fits this term?

Attached: ng_logo.png (740x740, 93.3K)

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Good animation.

did newgrounds just won the animations wars?after all these years, finnaly it got the attention it deserved

accepted by who exactly????
there are so many different artists that have been through NG
youtu.be/bfcAwc0UTVY Felix Colgrave
youtu.be/kb15dMOnXNs David Firth
youtu.be/-l_HG7591G0 Sexual Lobster
youtu.be/QJB00PPo03Q Yotam Peral
youtu.be/EQjfGkTJ2Cg WPS
youtu.be/Ad2NebEPGuE David gemmill
youtu.be/aWdFlIOtsgE Ryan Khatam

>"Newgrounds Style" is a pretty established and accepted term now
No it isnt and it never will be no matter hard you push it

Even the shitty twitter drama around it already died off, but for some reason this shit meme is still going on here.

since when

David Firth has so many amazing styles that he can pull off. I would love to see more episodes of Drillbit Head

>pic related

Attached: troll thread.jpg (300x273, 59.06K)

remembah me?

this is still ongoing by the way

Attached: external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg (1280x720, 119.6K)

>"Newgrounds Style" is a pretty established and accepted term now

It's not. Most people haven't cared about newgrounds in over a decade.

No its not, its just a forced meme and people are trolling with it just like they did with calarts shit and gullible idiots are jumping on board and spreading it because they see a couple similarities and it makes them feel smart for a moment. It's trolling, nothing else.

Attached: forever alone.png (261x262, 125.04K)

It's accepted by the entire animation community
Just a couple fanboys of a let's player are trying to push against it because it might be used to criticize their youtuber even if that doesn't automatically have to be used in a negative connotation

Can someone give me context on “Newgrounds Style”?

Attached: 1226751_wunderzorro_calarts-vs-newgrounds.png (1280x780, 422.37K)

I can't believe I took this shit serious and to heart as a teenager. Fucking autism man, it's a hell of a mental illness.

Racist Mario, I suppose. Anything where you look at the thumbnail and think "ooh I'd get in so much trouble if mom walked in the room right now!". That kind of feeling.

It's nonsense because Newgrounds has no house style because anyone can post whatever they want, leading to a wide diversity of styles

>established and accepted term
By whom? trannies?

California Institute of the Arts has no house style because anyone can draw whatever they want, leading to a wide diversity of styles

last i heard it was some troll calling Oneys and friends stuff newgrounds style because of the mild gross look they try to portray on their characters, the guy admitted to trolling and even bragged about starting a meme like a typical loser would but other idiots keep pushing it. Oney doesnt really care he's just confused why others care and keep posting it everywhere.

>Trying to associate your interests with politics, thereby hurting the artist you support because it's easier to "cancel" them


"Newgrounds Style" is just hacks trying and failing to ripoff gritty "90's style" grotesque imagery.

Attached: 9dafd71fed5245a89af2d6a1fcd1e292_front.jpg (819x1109, 62.99K)

>The creator of Ed Edd n Eddy made this.

He and a lot of the other cartoonists of the late 80's early 90's mad totally cool shit.

John Dilworth (Courage the Cowardly dog) made this

"Newgrounds style" is cope by mentally ill Californians.

Seeing all the trannies lose their minds with their newgrounds style cope is a treat, ngl

see this guy just proved that this is nonsense

its really just a stupid meme meant to put down like 5 or 6 artists with slightly adjacent art styles. honestly doing that for any style is dumb

They weren't the big youtuber having a major breakdown over a 100 person followed twitter user

>"Newgrounds Style" is a pretty established and accepted term now

it is literally the same one twitter fag spamming it
