Characters with iconic costumes that should never be changed

Characters with iconic costumes that should never be changed.

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I never liked either of these costumes desu

ok, but it just isn't Vampirella if you change the costume.

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She has a couple of small variations on her armor at times, but it's basic look I love so damn much.

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Please knock off the stuff with putting her in pants and just keep fishnet stockings dc?

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you can't beat perfection, so why try?

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One more, just because I love her.

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Gamora come back

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That is fair, iconic is iconic.

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Castle Grayskull chastity belt.

wish the gal gadot era is over and diana comes back with her classic suit

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>no sash

Come on, man!

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Pants were a mistake.

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Palicki fills it out so much better than Gadot. Why was she wasted on a lame tv show?

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I hear that!

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what is that creature with her?

What if she's somewhere cold?

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She takes out her classy fur coat of course.

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I actually really like his scale armored sleeve look.

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The biggest change they should do is how much she unzips.

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Noho Hank

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Ab window for life yo

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I feel like I wouldn't mind her being changed so long as they kept it chainmail.

ya, you can't really improve on him

I like the costume but not the cowl. Let him keep the maskless purple-shades look but bring back the rest of the costume

Not chain. Scale.

(Even though artists routinely draw it both ways every now and then...)

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That looks like some comic-con shit

this sounds like someone trying too hard to justify bikini armour and failing.

The mask defines who he is! Besides, Cyke is already Captain Sunglasses.

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Dude are you kidding, that looks like body paint but really bad body paint. Her jacket looks was way better.

Though I'll hand you that that's better than that black-and-red garbage in her new series.

Bikini Armor requires NO justification!

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You're a man of good taste, user.

Still her most iconic look!

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If by defines you means reminds everyone his name starts with an H then sure.

What can I say I like "superhero costumes without hoods/cowls/masks" are a pretty universally good look. Except for like, Batman and Spider-Man, they need to stay masked up.

the black and white shows why it still works dumbass

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Bikini Armor is a timeless trope, and I hope it endures for eternity.

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iconic ≠ good.