Was he right?

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Yes, even Captain America admits it. But killing is wrong, even if it saves the world.


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Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab.

>Was he right?
Actually, he was Thanos

Yes, however the thing is right in what context? ,morally? no, Realistically? yes, and so on, its a very deep thing, but i personally think he was.

No. The people would quickly bone and repopulate. He'd have to keep snapping.

I dunno, dubba dubs. It seems like the universe is so mind-fuckingly large that the idea there's ultimately more life than resources seems flawed. Like he thought he was thinking big, but he was still just thinking small but in multiple instances.

I give you a (you) for the effort. And the finger for everything else

He did nothing wrong, and the Avengers unjustly murdered him in his own home.
Retired to a simple life, crippled from using the gauntlet, and they had him weak and on his knees while Thor just executed him, some heroes they are.

I implore you to reconsider.

he was a C UCK

>thanos didn't use the gems to create a seminar for all planets to understand his message and take him seriously

Half right. He correctly identified a problem, but his “solution” wasn’t the best possible.
Is the g silent?

sort of but the "problem" doesn't just go away because you wipe out half of the people. His solution was flawed and the incoming snapboomers would have reignited the problem

>Is the g silent?

Maybe he figured people would come to realize how he was right, and instigate their own forms of population control.

It doesnt matter.

All he accomplished was just delaying the inevitable. Eventually everything would just be the same if not worst.

Thanos did nothing wrong, don't @ me

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Would thanos approve?

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No. The population would be back to what it was in about 5-15 years. He did nothing to change the situation, and instead he should have addressed how everyone is living. It is how people are living that is the problem. And no, making more resources wouldn't fix anything, in fact it'd compound the problem and make it reach critical mass much faster. He should be conquering the universe and forcing everyone to live a better way, not just killing half of everything.

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Okay...uhmmmmm...nope, still fuck youuu

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You can argue with him all you want, but in the marvel world, he's unironically right. All marvel earth's end up as desolate wastelands.

Maybe. He should have snapped that into their minds then.

that's where you're wrong bucko

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This. We realistically could afford to support our current population (at least in the West) in an unprecedented level of comfort for everyone with limited ecological impact, but it would require a level of authoritarian altruism only attainable by a god-king. So instead we'll all die clawing to "get mine"

The population generally isn't growing anymore in first world countries, besides immigration. Maybe if the rest of the world can get to that point it will stop increasing altogether.

A finite effect will not solve a perpetual problem. There's also the problem that life eats life. Killing 50% of all life = killing 50% of all food. It solves nothing even if it permanently reduces repopulation efforts.

The story was fucking braindead.

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>but it would require a level of authoritarian altruism only attainable by a god-king.

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Not really, we just need to stop with the policies we've persued since the 1950s.

Most of what Mankind produces goes to waste. If, at least in the west, everything wasn't about profit, every person in the west could have as much food and water as they need, a nice house and a car.