
Why is he so boring?

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What’s this from?

>damns humanity for scrumping off 1 tree
>drowns billions of people and other living things because he gets tired of their shit
>torments a man to prove how much he loves God
>makes a whole nation to just roam around and genocide other people right down to their culture and history
>and is willing to damn this created nation if they even try to keep a candle stick from said other cultures
>allows everyone to suffer for the sake of a grand social experiment
>will destroy everything in a spectacular fashion of lights and sounds

>dude, just like, do bad stuff ok?

It's hard not to appear boring next to that

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Objectively, God has down more evil than the Devil.

It's been a while since I've looked at the good ol' book, but couldn't you say that God did the shit that he did because humanity was sinful, ergo it was Satan's fault?

More importantly, if God knew he was going to punish sin, why did he make beings with free will sinful by nature? Is that not an act of unjust cruelty on an existential level?

we are hitting the paradox of free will with that. Say that you love someone and the only way to stop them is to change the very thing they are, you have to undo their existence on a core level so now they are no longer what you loved, worse you just made a puppet, something that has no value past a tool. It's why so many humans hunger finding real love or become so resentful how impossible it seems to be for them to have or find.

>Is that not an act of unjust cruelty on an existential level?
What's worse: A god that creates life without free will or a god that does but punishes those who are sinful?

it's like watching that kid in 8th grade developing critical thinking for the first time and realizing everything his parents taught him about religion was a lie.

you're about to have an edgy phase.

Why not give free will without also including our faults?
I'm an atheist and I know full well that YHWH was a canannite desert god of war that became a henotheistic deity before going full monotheist deity over the course of the last 9k ish years.

I went through that phase a LONG time ago, besides I'm a catholic, relapses in faith are the norm.

I'm being rhetorical, not actually having a crisis.

A Christian comic.

God is the ultimate judge and final arbiter of what is good or evil, so of course by definition nothing he does is evil. He created all things and we are his playthings to do with as he chooses; who are we to object?

>Why not give free will without also including our faults?
That's not free will then, if you set the bar to where it's impossible to act on something then it's not a free network or system.
Without irrationality and urges it's just a node in a network, doing as it should until it breaks.

I'm and I was just having fun with the thread, I forgot this is Yas Forums

I'm not saying God would make sin impossible, he just wouldn't impose the compulsion towards it. Is our will truly free if it is beholden to our flaws?

>he just wouldn't impose the compulsion towards it
I think you're confusing the big man with the devil here, he's the one that supposedly lures and seduces people into sin.

Nothing is impose on us, our urges is the system trying to work things out.Think of it as motivation vs discipline. Motivation is telling you to act on urge and gut, discipline is training yourself to do what is the best in a situation. If you have motivation removed you can't have discipline and as such you are just a nod that does as he is made. The misconception is the idea their can be freedom without a risk of suffering or destruction, that can't be the case and is a truly horrid idea dragged in the last two century because it just grooms people to fall prey to just motivation which leads to nothing good on it's own.

If God created the universe, why did he create the concept of "evil" and then inextricably necessitate it into his creation? Does this imply that there was a precedent of fundamental principles which he was already constrained to beforehand, or did he make the intellectual choice to invoke the possibilty for all terrible things to pass, while painstakingly engineering his creation around justifying that and shifting the blame on humanity?

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What better place to ask than a comics and cartoons board?

Comics, where the answers to theological problems can be found.

>If God created the universe, why did he create the concept of "evil"
Technically, we created it by being fucking morons.

He's a weak pussy that gets dropkicked by some angels and is always trying to get weakboys to finally drum up the initiative to visit a prostitute or whatever

Probably God would have found more imposing evil beings if humans hadn't failed real bad.

Why'd he make killer viruses tho?

Can't have one thing without the other

God has a higher kill count in the Bible than satan

To make us fucking stop.

>trying to have an intelligent discussion about religion

for all we know everything every religion says is completely untrue and it's some other way we can't even perceive or conceptualize. there's no point in trying to filter everything through our extremely limited faculties and human minds.

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>why did he make beings with free will sinful by nature?
He didn't. Man became sinful by nature after eating the forbidden fruit.

dont you mean women

Because Leo doesn't give him much to work with..