Growing Around is an independent web cartoon being developed by TheMysteriousMrEnter...

Growing Around is an independent web cartoon being developed by TheMysteriousMrEnter. It takes place in a world where the roles of kids and adults are reversed. A lot of people are hating on it, but those people are just jealous because their own life is so bad. The series looks very promising and is likely to be a smashing success!

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Why is the girl in pick related looks like she wants to inverse /ss/ someone.

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I'm actually offended you're gonna get a vacation for this.

Enters take on Coronachan was pretty wild.

I like how every time Enter says something stupid enough to get a mob against him, he deletes his accounts then whines on stream about how toxic people are when his job involves mimicking Gordon Ramsay to children's cartoon creators.

I'm in the minority of people who either find this harmless or at the very least cute, but I'm aware that the creator has written publicly that cartoons growing up gave him panic attacks/heavy bouts of anxiety over growing up, since they idolized childhood and demonized adulthood.

A few people here have mentioned that he was critically abused by his parents growing up which gave him an overtly creepy desire to see "adults" broken mentally and depowered. Anywhere I can read that for myself or just scuttlebutt?

Also, hey man, I see you, the person reading this, in this thread, trying to relax on a Friday night. I love you.

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What did he say?

>Watch are you currently watching?
>"Uh, the chat?"
Classic Enter, can't even interpret a simple question properly.

Any updates on Growing Around?

>healthcare isn't a human right and adopting European style public healthcare systems wouldn't work for the United States due to the morbidly obese ruining it for everyone
>governments severely failed to react then severely overreached, violating several laws in the process
>we'll be in this situation for about two years, people will not tolerate a two year lock down and as a result riots will get worse as the economy nosedives
a sensible and based opinion video, I highly recommend it + the follow up

Nothing exciting. He's just laying low pumping out scripts and rewriting old ones and spending his youtubebucks on commissions for art of the characters. It doesn't really seem like he has a solid plan to release a graphic novel like he said he would, and an actual animation is off the table. I think sooner or later he'll do another reading of another script and commission a new animatic but that's about it for the near future.

I want to grab a sledgehammer and break her fucking knees

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Don't like the colors

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My favorite part is where he cites all of this bullshit and doesn't source it, he was just "dude trust me".

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can he just get the virus already? god, even if he has a point he needs to make it a 30 minute long whine fest.

why haven't I seen any porn yet?

Thanks wholesome user, have a good night yourself.

Don't worry he made sequel.

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I want him to succeed

>healthcare isn't a human right and adopting European style public healthcare systems wouldn't work
Classic burger

This is a surprisingly redpilled take, even if the way he came to it is bullshit

It isn't wrong. The US is about the size of the top 8 most populated European countries. That combined with the US culture of individualism and our unhealthy habits/lifestyle choices makes the European system incompatible with the US. Besides, how exactly is health care a right? That's more of a personal responsibility the way I look at it.

Individual isn't the problem. It's just the unhealthy life choices. Also.
>How exactly is health care a right?
Becoming homeless if your poor and ever get sick screams third world to me.

It's definitely unbecoming, but it's not a denial of "rights". It's a service that public and private entities choose to offer, with rules governing how they offer it, not dictating that it must be done