Attached: Cyborg.png (1786x1503, 2.59M)

Why does the black guy have such a generic name?

This Cyborg was a lot closer to the original Wolfman/Perez Cyborg and I appreciated that. Most of Yas Forums isn't old enough to remember but there was a fair amount of hype around Victor when Teen Titans started topping DC's sales list. They even put him on the Supefriends.

They knocked it out of the park, I'll give them that. There is even a TON to mine in stories if they want to use some of it for the comic books. Rita too was great, and Robotman was the best character.

Just wish Larry and Jane hadn't been such a slog of a trashheap to get through. Terrible acting rounded out by terrible, badly paced stories. But there's more good than bad so Doom Patrol is absolutely worth a rewatch.

he's never getting a movie isnt he

I'm just happy that someone FINALLY gave him a storyline that isn't just "I'm a monster!"

Everytime i say the name i feel a little more jewish and i don't know why.

That's really weird because it's a Latin name.

I guess i'm just putting to much emphasis on the -oy in joy-van

Is that how he pronounces it? Because I've always heard the word pronounced "Jo-vee-an" with a long o, not an oy.

Fuck my dyslexic ass I've been reading it as Jovian this whole time.

Does he think he's from one of Jupiter's moons or some shit?

Oh wait, I just double checked and he spells is Joiv not Jovi. That's a big old derp for me.

Me too.

I think this version of Cyborg worked so well because he couldn't pull the "IM A FREAK WITH ROBOTIC PARTS!" sob story when fucking Cliff is right there next to him, a brain in a rusty suit.

Attached: Cliff Steel Robotman Doom Patrol.png (731x1093, 454.42K)

He's got a nice smile

Attached: vlcsnap-2020-04-17-21h20m23s481.jpg (1920x1080, 216.65K)

Amazing what happens when he's not written as a mopey, depressed robot.

more versions of cyborgs should be not depressed

Attached: Z.jpg (244x206, 11.74K)

Literally I've never heard Joivan before this thread

Between this and Young Justice, they should really give Cyborg some clothing so he doesn't look like a bulky robot with a human face. I was never a fan of that.

In the comics he originally had a much more streamlined look, I'm not sure why they decided to keep making bulkier later on.

>they should really give Cyborg some clothing
I feel they should because it feels like he's a nudist without it.

Bulk looks cooler.

Yeah but it doesn't.

Vic is probably the best part of NTT. Starfire is a close second, tho.

I'm sad that somehow between a Titans show and a Doom Patrol show we didn't get a live action Vic and Gar bromance.

Brotherhood of Evil for season 2, please.

What's wrong with Larry? I get his coming out of the closet story wasn't the most compelling but I thought his body and voice actor did a good enough job. Crazy Jane on the other hand just leans way too much into Hammerhead, I hope the second season makes her main personality less of a confrontational bitch.

I sometimes forget how much robot Teen Titans Cyborg was. At what point can you really consider him a cyborg?

Brendan Fraser is one of the best casting decisions for any adaption I've seen in years, the body actor deserves some props for being able to emote that well without being able to use his face at all too.

He's still got sections of his arms which is about as much as you can do without it looking a bit weird.