Anyone for a Hulk thread?

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Fuck hulk and fuck marvel
Pencils down

Sure, what would you like to discuss?

I was hoping we could talk recommended runs, characters, and whatnot but I forgot this board is flooded with children who have been stuck at home due to the quarantine.

Does anybody seeing this post unironically enjoy the 2003 movie?

I can appreciate the ambition. The CGI aged like milk, his size was always changing, and the comic panel scene transitions didn't really pan out like Lee wanted, but I did like how the film explored Banner's fucked up father. I like the Norton Hulk film, and I'm not really a fan of what the MCU did with Hulk, especially in Endgame

Why did this Banner go completely off the deep end, when other times they split he didn't make an island of gamma monsters and give himself cancer?

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I remember not hating it, but I remember the Incredble Hulk being better.

Why are some gamma mutates green, others red, and few blue?

I think Rulk is red because Ross's treatment is imperfect. He actually burns hot like a reactor. While we're on the topic of Rulk; great idea, shitty execution. Hell the only reason why he originally didn't have a mustache was to keep up the shitty mystery

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You know, I never got that deep into that run, was it any good?

Honestly, we need to do some non-Ewing Hulk storytimes at some point, just to remind some of the anons here that he isn't the only good Hulk run.

USAvengers Red Hulk was better than Ross anyway.


Hey I like Ross as Rulk, and they should totally give him USA shorts too, he's just mishandled. Is Ross still dead? I heard someone say he was brought back in a Captain America book but I haven't read that. I want to see what Ewing does with him

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>Hell the only reason why he originally didn't have a mustache was to keep up the shitty mystery

Also, it would have been a good plot twist if Ross shaved off his mustache and had a fake one when he was human just to throw people off. Could you imagine the reaction if we had a page where Hulk did something to knock Ross back and his mustache flew off? The "oh shit" moment where Hulk sees the mustache was fake and Ross was Red Hulk the whole time would be priceless. It'd be like if Lex bitch slapped Clark and knocked his glasses off.

But I'm just spitballing, I never read the Rulk saga and only know about it from shitposts and a few pages that get posted every now and then.

Is there were Cates got the idea for Cosmic Ghost Rider?

Maybe. Hard to say. This wasn't loldudepeel like CGR is, so I'm leaning towards no but without a definite answer.

No idea, but Red Ghost Venom Rider Hulk definitely came first.

Is Weapon H any good? That always seemed like such a stupid idea to me

better then expected


Depends on the dosage of gamma rays. In Ross and Rick's case, they had a cocktail of gamma, cosmic and other radiation.

It was retarded drama for the sake of drama. But the very next arc, Stay Angry, was pretty fun.

Now THAT would've been a fun twist. Too bad Loeb wasn't in his right mind when writing that run.

I absolutely love the directors cut of these books.

What's in them?

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Jason Aaron doesn't give a shit about previous characterization.

I liked it too;
Been a while since I read it, so not much to say about it.
I mean, you're on house arrest and obviously interested,
You could read it free online, so...

Random thought; Shadow Base should have some more "Umbrella Corp" shit locked away in other sites that become an issue. Picture this; Leader Rick Jones waking up a Gamma Nemesis

>Gamma Nemesis
What is that, some kind of giant frog with a bazooka?

I really like Sam Elliott's Ross. He wasn't a villain, he was a dutiful antagonist. He was a soldier and father responding to a bizarre and dangerous situation. That was a nice twist on the character.

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Penciled pages, inked pages, scripts as well as the regular comic. Theres a bit of variance but it's really cool.