STARGIRL "Justice Society of America" Trailer

This actually looks pretty comfy and fun.

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>Fattie stargirl

I bet europeans made this show

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>I'm putting together a team
Will they also live in a society?

Whhhhhy did they have to use Yolanda Montez instead of based Ted Grant?

OG JSA all retired or something. That's kinda the point

Because the OG JSA gets killed in the first episode.

Okay, but all anybody is gonna be able to think of is Halle Berry Catwoman. If this is the direction we're going, just ditch Wildcat and go for Jakeem Thunder or modern Mr. Terrific.

Ya'll trippin'.

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Trailer looks good. God, I hope its DCuniverse quality and not CW quality.

It's got a higher budget since it's being produced by DCU and only getting second runs on CW, so fingers crossed.

The worst part is that no matter how good it is you know that the budget is going to get slashed to nothing next season.

all DCuniverse shows are fucking horrible


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They're leaning more towards the Infinity Inc characters. Beth Chapel/Dr. Mid-Life is there too

One good season is better than a shit one or nothing at all, yes?

It's a DCU production and CW is getting sloppy seconds.

Great, another fucking whitewashed super heroine.

luke wilson on a cw tv show? thats low even for him

finally a trailer that wasnt 100% cringe

Well what the fuck else has he got going on?

Doom Patrol and Swamp Thing were fucking great


It's pronounced thicc, asshat.

I know your trolling... but I’m rather curious as to what you mean as Courtney has generally always been portrayed as a Blonde Caucasian Teenager

I'm putting a dollar on it being a lame attempt at an America Chavez joke.

I wonder if we’ll see Courtney in the Jack inspired costume at some point

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Swamp Thing's that good, huh? Haven't seen it myself. Doom Patrol's a fucking blast though, it's weird because I really hated how they depicted Jane and Cliff. But the spirit of the stuff I liked from the comic still came through, somehow.


It's literally in the trailer.

Come the fuck on.