Any recommendations? I have read Conan and some of red Sonja. Is John carter sword and sorcery but in mars?
Sword and sorcery
This comics is great. Will the tv show be any good?
They're making a Requiem Chevalier Vampire tv show?
elric of melnibone
here's a larger image
full cover, I'll dump a few, with NSFW pages on
>Walord (pic related).
>Savage Sword of Conan (if you haven't read that).
>John Carter and pulp stuff like Flash Gordon might kinda scratch the same itch.
>Prince Valiant.
>Cerebus the Aardvark (begins as a sword and sorcery parody but goes MASSIVELY off the rails).
page 6 was NSFW, so on:
NSFW page 9 will also be on /aco/
pages 9 and 10 on and page 11 here should be safe-ish
Check out Mike Ploog's King Kull stuff.
Best art style in a sword and sorcery comic?
NSFW page 12: page 13 here will be it for now.
Maybe some of the Troy series, such as Lanfeust of Troy?
Oh, try Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser stories from the pulps. Unbelievably good.
Usage yojimbo
Slaine’s pretty good if you want to read something more British and Celtic inspired.
There's also the Valhalla series drawn by Peter Madsen, more light-hearted than serious. pic related is from Valhalla 14 based on the myth of Skírnismál with a bit of Sleipnir origin.
Forget comics for the moment, get the real stuff. Robert E Howard's Conan and Kull and Solomon Kane stories are all free online.
The Ring of the Nibelung by Craig Russel
Well there's Artesia if you're up for adventures in sameface kingdom and some pretty dense world building.
>Requiem Chevalier Vampire
It still hurts
Top Conan book?
Phoenix in the Shard, not a book but a short story.
Imagine going from P. Craig Russel to this. Thanks for the dump anyway, kind user