>HBO's show doesn't glorify violence for the sake of it.
Why did the joker flop when HBO watchmen Secede?
What Watchmen gets right that Joker got wrong
Because people who like joker on the wrong side of history like Yas Forums
>>HBO's show doesn't glorify violence for the sake of it.
Unless it’s white people. HBO watchmen justified racial profiling and police brutality on white suspects.
Are we in bizarro world right now
>more tertiary garbage
Please fuck off faggot
Last time I checked watchmen had a better rotten tomatoes score. Grow up Yas Forums
what justification? The movie was just about the world beating a man until it won.
Because Watchmen matches their worldview, while Joker dared to tell the truth.
Last time I checked people started distrusting Rotten Tomatoes about four years back, and it's still growing.
>Rotten Tomatoes
>an unbiased metric for quality
based coomzoomer
If Joker had killed Twitter instead of Murray, he'd be the hero we deserve. Someone needs to save us from retards like this having any platform at all.
>Make a movie about the United States failed healthcare system, culture of hatred for the disabled with constant criticisms of elitism, capitalism, and bigotry
>Still get reamed by MSM because the movie presents a sympathetic white male character
Lol really makes you think dont it
>2019 article.
So much for your prediction.
The media is now saying Rotten Tomatoes is worthless as a measurement of quality.
Trans women are real women and are here to stay, Charlie Kirk. Now why don't you fuck off back to Yas Forums and take the rest of your incel Casualgate fuckbuddies with you?
>Why did the joker flop
It didn't.
Budget - $55–70 million
Box office - $1.074 billion
1/10 played your hand too early but got me to respond
>Trans women are real women and are here to stay
If trans women were real women they'd have been born with the right genitals,
Yeah, but how much money did watchmen make compared to our boy?
>rotten tomatoes agrees with my agenda
>rotten tomatoes disagrees with my agenda
>Trans women are real women
Objectively False
>and are here to stay,
41% of the time that is also measured to be false
>Watchmen: 54% Audience Score
>Joker: 88% Audience Score
Elites don’t choose what is or isn’t good. The people say Watchmen was decent at best and Joker was excellent
But what about Marketing?
>trusting Rotten Tomatoes
why are they real women?
-t. actual female with a pussy asking.
are they finally realizing that the idea of simply judging art by committee does nothing but prove that art is just an empty business pushed hard by our society as a cheap and easy way of keeping the poor perpetually down?
Take your goalpost to another thread.
Because his religio-I mean Ideology tells him they are
who actually gives a fuck about HBO watchmen? Shits a trainwreck.
Fuck off