Do any Christians on this board take this guy seriously?

Do any Christians on this board take this guy seriously?

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he’s not wrong

Haven't watched him before, don't care much for illuminati stuff. Why do you ask OP?

t. Christian

>in 2020
If someone says he's one, he's just a lying hipster.

In what ways?

Here is a playlist to get what I mean.

Judging by the front vid pic, it's more:
>It's bad because the villain is Satanic
Uh, yeah, it's the villain!

>Do any Christians on this board take this guy seriously?
If it's not a Father Barron review, no.

I take no one in Youtube seriously, I can be entertained with youtubers but I don't take them seriously.


So does this retard hate the bible as well because there's satanic shit mentioned in there?

No, because the bibble's a Mary Sue that can't contain anything wrong.

I dont take food reviewers on youtube seriously per se but I will briefly trust their judgement to go to the food establishment they did a video on

Any christ bros want to purify all the demons in Vivzie's cartoons?
no, just me haha

Attached: 1484746599171.gif (200x179, 685.62K)

To be fair they made Malefecent a complete Dindu in the new films. It’s just wrong.

I don't like to thinking that Christians are stupid but they work so damn hard to prove that they are.

I'm not talking about Maleficent I'm talking about the cartoons he talks about later in the video.

Just look at this playlist

I don't know, do you take the Amazing Atheist seriously?

i was an atheist for many years and fairly recently i decided to convert to catholicism
however recently i've been having more atheistic thoughts

>bored animator 20 years ago
>im going to sneak something inappropiate into my work just so the guys can have a laugh when they see it finished
>crazy conspiracy nuts

As a Christian, I understand being vigilant of what you intake from media and culture, but there comes a point where you realize that if you loo for demons in every closet, you'll end up alone in a corner with no one else around, doing nothing. If something is clearly against your moral principles or you personally feel uncomfortable with something then leave it be, but pointing at every cartoon, movie, and video game and yelling "Satan" because it has ideas in it that aren't 100% Christian gets ridiculous.

just do a couple our fathers and go through the rosary
but all in all just do good deeds god still loves you


i don't own a rosary

The bibble is utterly horrifying unless you read it with a guide that takes all the very clearly terrifying prophecies and says they're just metaphors bro. Jesus doesn't laugh or smile once in it.

This might be interesting. I know of this guy because he was on Colbert a while ago with a book about humor in the bible.

what the fuck am i watching?

People like this guy are the reason no one takes Christianity seriously. Obviously as a Christian you shouldn’t be consuming a lot of media out there but if you decide to it should be taken as purely entertainment and nothing more. I doubt maleficent is trying to turn your kids into Satan worshipers.

Just remember that your sky daddy loves you and he will send you to hell to burn forever if you don't love him back.

God is an eldritch abomination in nearly every biblical interpretation. Omnibenevolent and fair yes, but definitely not a "sky daddy" like atheitards like to claim.

And Hell is simply being divorced eternally from His light.

>why yes I do overly simplify the Bible despite the fact I know nothing about it, how could you tell?
Babies first atheist response

If God loves me so much how come I'm not a rich Chad? Checkmate theists.

the Bible has a few descriptions about it ranging from what you said to burning lake of fire all equipped with chained up fallen angels. Regardless it sounds awful and would have to be practically brain dead to end up there

Money won’t solve all your issues. Just look how insane celebrities are but there’s not much stopping you from being a Chad

I'm a Christian,like a Catholic Cristian.
Belive me,I read the book just don't be a dick to people and don't kill.
Also don't fuck kids,the gay thing is forged just don't fuck kids