Short of the actual criminals like Gerard Jones, who is the biggest asshole in the comics industry?

Short of the actual criminals like Gerard Jones, who is the biggest asshole in the comics industry?

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Probably not the biggest asshole on the industry, but close enough.

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He's long dead, but Mort Weisinger, the editor for Superman comics during the silver age, is the undisputed asshole. He was said to be impossible to work with. According to Alan Moore, when he died, the only good thing people said about him was that he was not as bad as his brother.
Byrne would be second.

Bob Kane
>not actual criminals
well nevermind

Bob Kane is the biggest that comes to mind

>ah ah ah, I own all the other echidnas, sega
>ah ah ah, I ruined a Sonic movie in the 90s

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Mark Waid.

Fuck, who was his brother?

Ethan van Scider

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>I own all the other echidnas
SA1 and Paramount's Sonic The Hedgehog film say otherwise you dirty pedo.

Dwaine B. Tinsley comes to mind.

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He doesn't particularly seem like an asshole, especially compared with the others mentioned.
What's the worst thing he's done?

Been a meanie to people who aren't frog-pilled. That's it.

>Pedophiles are almost certainly "born that way". Again, we go to evolutionary conditioning. Seek the youngest, strongest, most healthy, for breeding purposes. A sure (or as sure as it gets) way to guarantee the survival of your genes. Pedophilia also brings along a big heaping helping of learned responses, however. In a society like ours, where "normal" sex is considered by many to be filthy and disgusting, "abnormal" sex is of course even moreso. "Abnormal" in this case meaning anything—even simple physical attraction—that is not "age-appropriate", heterosexual, and strictly for procreation. Preferably missionary position. Thus, any confused individual who finds himself attracted to young girls is likely to find himself attracted to increasingly younger girls, as part of his pattern of self-loathing. So much emotional torment—in victims and victimizers—would surely be set aside if our society was sexually liberated enough to even be able to say "Sure, it's okay to be attracted to eleven year olds. Just don't do anything about it!"

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He's literally a fucking federal criminal
>Advertise selling custom silver frog coins to his gullible customers
>Instead gave his supporters loose change with stickers on them
>Selling and defacing currency is illegal
He can put the blame on his """advertisers""" and """distributors""" all he wants, but you can't deny the fact that he belongs in a fucking jail cell for committing LITERAL FEDERAL CRIMES.

He's also a filthy Casualgater, so go figure.

Jones always loved to include details of his perversion on his body of work, the motherfucker even wrote books about child psychology and development. As a fun fact, the TV producers on this comic turn out ot be Reptilian Aliens

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Lol, good luck ever getting those charges to stick.
Pencils down, my man.

Wasn't his email address "[email protected]" or some shit?

The fandom.

Fuck off Zack.

What did he do?


You fucking children whine about ANYTHING. How difficult is it to NOT BUY SOMETHING IF YOU AREN'T INTERESTED?

Uploaded CP montages to YouTube but forgot to set them to private. Feds subsequently checked him out and he had hundreds of gigs of it.

So basically on top of a giant creeper he's a fucking idiot.

>When you unironically support Casualgate and #PENCILSDOWN, potentially putting hundreds of innocent freelance comic writers without a job, but it's all based and redpilled because it's done in the sake of OWNING THE LIBTARDS and giving those IMAGINARY BLUE-HAIRED SJW FREAKS exactly what they fucking deserve

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You know who else has pencils down? Your boy Ethan lol, yet you tools still give him money to do absolutely nothing.

Shills of the highest order.

He gave everyone a full refund and let them keep the coins.
That sounds anti-assholish.

Would've been less assholish to not rip them off in the first place.

All of your tears don't change facts, son. Pencils are going down because the industry is dying combined with the lockdown. It's dying because of the same circlejerk that almost killed everything in the 90s, but on the opposite end of the spectrum. Yes, I unironically support someone who has foreseen this coming and wants to draw silly frog comics. Oh, and he's delivered every perk I paid for to my full expectations, so I've got no sour grapes over here, either. Meanwhile, I stopped buying books from the Big 2 about 5 years ago because I couldn't stand the constant reshuffles, events, creative changes and shit takes on characters that I have known and loved. I'm not mad about shit, I just took my ball and went home when it was clear I wasn't going to get what I wanted. I have no ire towards people in wanting them to be out of work, but their spite and bile over someone who didn't toe their line makes it pretty fucking cathartic when they all start bawling. If anything, I hope they start crowdfunding or find a way to reach their intended audience, because it isn't me.

>giving people free stuff is "ripping them off"
I guarantee you're the only one upset by this.

Not him but

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If it was free, why did he have to issue everybody refunds?

Here's an actual criminal who is EVEN worse than him: Len Lawson.
Leonard "Len" Lawson was an Australian comic book artist who created a very popular strip called The Lone Avenger who in 1954 abducted and raped 5 underage models and was sentenced for 14 years in prison. After being released in 1962, he abducted, raped and MURDERED a 16 year old girl he had hired as a model. The next day, Lawson took hostages in an all-girls Catholic school where he murdered a 15 year old girl. Lawson was sent to jail again for a life-time term. In 2003, the same yar he died, he attacked and tried to rape a female dancer during an event in the jail while trying to escape.

Among his demands when he took hostages he asked that the police send him the then-current Miss Australia as well as Betty Cuthbert, the Australian Olympic sensation known at the time as "Golden Girl" so he could rape them.

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If he was ripping anyone off, why is he giving everyone refunds?

Because he took their money and didn't give them the product he promised them.

It always strikes me as so strange when people who produce power-fantasy vigilante fiction turn out to be completely evil themselves

Yup. And he was caught because he uploaded his videos on a private YouTube account.

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But he's not taking their money.
You're upset over literally nothing.

Doesn't strike me as strange at all.

If he didn't take their money how could he be refunding it?

Which is weird because his run on GL was all about distancing Hal from Arisia and getting together with Carol who was in her 40's by that point.

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You're right, no one should ever refund a customer's money because of grievances. What an asshole thing to do, right?

Yeah I'm not going to read that lmao. Keep sucking Ethan's dick and paying him for it.

You're admitting that he took people's money under false pretenses. Glad we're in agreement.

Fuck you, you blue haired piece of shit. Sucking Ethan's dick would be a privilege!

>Short of actual criminals
Just because he got away with it doesn't mean he doesn't count

Here's Shooter on working under Mort Weisinger.