One of the best green lantern artists to ever live

>one of the best green lantern artists to ever live
>gives up a lucrative career to join a shitposting movement

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Other urls found in this thread:

And made even more money shitposting.
He based.

Friendly reminder that this man is a federal criminal
>Advertise selling custom silver frog coins
>Gave supporters loose change with stickers on them
He's trying to place the blame on his "advertisers" and "distributors", but the devil is in the details. You cannot sell currency nor deface it.

It's been one week since you looked at me
Cocked your head to the side
and said I'm angry
Five days since you laughed at me saying
Get that together come back and see me
Three days since the living room,
I realized it's all my fault, but couldn't tell you
Yesterday you'd forgiven me
But it'll still be two days till I say I'm sorry

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I wouldn't call buying hundreds of dollars worth of products from a company you hate just to destroy them "based" but whatever

Panel 1
:establishing shot of a pizzeria:

Panel 2
Evs sits across the table.

So you want to join our little group huh? It is a sweet gig. We prop up each others Indiegogo campaigns, and can take as much time as we need, or eant,n to put out out books. Quality dont. Matter.

Off panel speaker:
Yeah man that sounds good. Real good.

Panel 2
Evs has gotten up and is starting to walk away:

Evs: come on, walk with me.

Panel 3.

Shot from behind. We see evs and the mysterious person walking down the hallway. It looks a bit seedier than the homey but kind of nice pizzeria background in previous scenes. It's sort of a slight downward angle that gets darker and seedier as it approzcheda the door at the end.

Evs: obviously we run a tight group. To keep this thing going you need to support everything we do as well. When we shit on people you join. I dont care about any past relations. The only way this works is if we, well usually I, say jump you jump.

Mystery speaker: hey, I've always been a team player. You know that.

Panel 4:
We see a door opening. We are viewing doom the outside. Evs is half out.

Evs: oh I know

Panel 5:

Far off downward facing view of an alley way to dark figures standing. One is pointing

Evs: now there is just one last little thing

Panel 6.

Upward facing angle of evs unzipping his pants. Really play up the perspective here.

Evs: you have to pay tribute to the king

Panel 7:

Evs in his youtube channel in some ridiculars getup

Evs: Miller totally isnt comicgate you guys!

>He based
The only thing he'll be based in soon is inside of a fucking federal prison!

Trumpers tend to not be the brightest people, even they were voting "ironically".

>War Campaign has to make this thread every single day

And you insist that Ethan isn't in Panic Mode over his Ribbitcoin scam that's gotten the attention of the feds, lol. Keep covering for Caesar, guys!

You're thinking of Waid.

>refunds all their money
>lets everyone still keep the coins

>not even the best artist in his own family
>helped ruin both Flash and Green Lantern franchises

remember, Donny Cates got more money from optioning already made comics than EVS has made in all of his scams combined

>lucrative career
lol, there ain`t no money in modern comics.
sjws alienated all the fans

For fuck's sake, what happened now

Hey, it could always be worse.

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Is this the snake plisken from.the universe dumb rick is from?

Is he even a top 5 GL artist? Sharp has already drawn circles around him for the title of best Modern GL artist.

>reddit and morty reference

Given the state of the world shitposting has become more lucrative than drawing fruity little comics.
Good on him.

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Gil Kane > Joe Staton >>>>>>>>>>EVS

>I dont like a popular thing I'm so special and cool

Neal Adams and Liam Sharp gotta get in there too

>getting caught scamming your fans is based

Fuck off.

Never liked how Neal drew Hal.
Liam...he's up there though

Seethe more, you fucking piece of right-wing Casualgater horseshit

>Yas Forums
>calling someone casual

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Is Cyberfrog any good

Is Ivan Reis not even a contender in your guys' eyes?

So people are mad people are no longer sucking big corporate company cock?

90s garbage. Dont waste your time.

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>When you unironically support Casualgate and #PENCILSDOWN, potentially putting hundreds of freelance comic writers without a job, but it's all alright because it's all done in the sake of OWNING THE LIBS

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Imagine giving up your job to shitpost and getting mad replies like this every day while making millions of dollars.

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>When you unironically use "yikes"
Faggot opinion discarded

Nice to see the tumblroids and wokies are as assmad as ever


Maybe you shouldn't have fucked with him, huh?

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Listen I've gotta start somewhere with my arching.

t. chud

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This makes it sound like casual gate has gone anything except just exist at the same time as covid. Dont do that. It encourages them.

he based

I don't support anything.
Just saying Yas Forums neither reads nor purchases comics.

>N-n-n-nice to s-s-see that those LIBTARD TUMBLROIDS and PURPLE-HAIRED WOKIES are as assmad as ever
Seethe more, Charlie Kirk

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You mean nu/co/ fuckers are a cancer. With their retarded buzzwords they get off tumblr

Seething this hard
user the only one butt hurt here is you

I've noticed the only people who call others "casual" on Yas Forums only read the basic bitch mainstream Marvel and DC comics that get posted here.

>he based
Unironically kill yourself you fucking pathetic EVS-deepthroating Nazi apologist Casualgater piece of dogshit

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Why do people who don't read comics call Comicsgate Casualgate?

A lot of projection and cringy pics you collected there
But then tumblr has always been full of pedos


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Oddly specific fascination with purple trannies.

kekistanis look like that?