Why are SJWs so shit at making new characters...

Why are SJWs so shit at making new characters? All their heroes are boring Cool Young People and all their villains are one-dimensional bigots.

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Ohh, now this is bringing back memories. What were you asking, OP? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

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What's wrong with Kamala Khan?

SJW's are the way they are because they're extremely insecure. They don't have faith in their own opinions, so have to present them in a one-sided and histrionic way. They don't see the truth of a representation as a valuable thing; they view politics and culture as an argument to be won by any means necessary. So they are willing to lie or bend the truth in any manner to make their side seem correct.
The way this usually manifests itself is in Mary-Suing. They make their token characters as "good" as possible because they don't actually value the characters at all, just what the characters represent. They don't care about artistic expression, realism, confessional work. They're not writing from their position as human beings, they're writing from their demographic profiles.
For example, the vast majority of black women in America are fat. Do we get media with black female characters talking about how much it sucks to be fat? How they smell bad, and they eat all the time, and everybody looks at them like non-entities, and how much better everything would be if they weren't fat? No; we just get these characters talking about how great it is to be fat, and how everyone should love them and not care about it. The artistic representation of living as a fat woman is secondary to the sociocultural goal of making being fat acceptable. Add in intersectionality, and things get worse; you can't talk about how your fat mother cooked up barrels of hog maws and chitlins for you as a kid in anything but positive terms, so the actual cause-effect process of obesining has to be misrepresented. They're left with only the sort of generalities that won't tread in the toes of any allies, so everything ends up flat and vague.

SJW's are all drones and have no creativity


>Hey, some vilains were shit back in the days, so it justify making only shitty vilains now

She's beyond a shit-tier character. Her costume looks like a bad cosplay, her powers are a shitty Mr. Fantastic rip-off, she has no villains, no faults, no struggle, and on top of everything else her and her family are racist pieces of shit. Fucking cereal boxes have better characters.

>Captain Nazi made his official debut in 1941 in Master Comics #21
pretty shit bait desu

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user, I was just posting nazi-themed comic for fun. I wasn't trying to make any point. I thought I made that obvious.

i hate to break this to you user, but all eras of comic books have had shitty trend riding characters introduced, few of whom ended up catching on

rent free

He can breed her

still doesn't make your shit bait any better

The bait only exists in your mind, my dude. But that's fine.

>Her costume looks like a bad cosplay,
Because she's a teenager.

>her family are racist pieces of shit.
>powers are a shitty Mr. Fantastic rip-off,
Yes because no one else uses the same powers that somebody else has already made in comic book. Just ignore all the people with ice powers
>no villains, no faults, no struggle,
So Being a huge superhero geek and I confusing Love live and Standing up in a coma( Kamal law)is no trouble whatsoever?

>her family are racist pieces of shit.
You know nothing about her.Look at her best Friend.

When was the last time Captain Nazi was used?
Most recent I can think is 00s Secret Six, I think. And that was almost 15 years ago.

Attached: Captain-Nazi-DC-Comics-Captain-Marvel-1970s-h1.jpg (725x483, 93.31K)

>For example, the vast majority of black women in America are fat. Do we get media with black female characters talking about how much it sucks to be fat? How they smell bad, and they eat all the time, and everybody looks at them like non-entities, and how much better everything would be if they weren't fat? No; we just get these characters talking about how great it is to be fat, and how everyone should love them and not care about it. The artistic representation of living as a fat woman is secondary to the sociocultural goal of making being fat acceptable

To be fair, comics are escapism. classic black marvel women like Storm, Monica, Misty were all well liked

remind me, who is this?

Speak fucking english

At least men had the decency of presenting idealized versions of them in comics as an escapist power fantasy and have the comic world react positively to the idealized version, as opposed to shoving in their shitty, real selves and have the comic world like them regardless

I think he appeared in Flashpoint as part of that committee to nuke London to save the world. He was an old man iirc.

He very briefly appeared in New 52 Superman but was beaten to death by Vandal Savage.

Guy Gardner and Hal Jordan from an old "What if Green Lantern was a nazi?" Elseworlds one-shot.

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won't take the bait

>he took the bait


If talking about subjects I'm interested in and enjoy talking about is taking the bait, then sure, whatever.

>First appearance: Master Comics #21 (December 1941)
Yas Forums is the new Yas Forums

Who she can't officially date because her father doesn't want to their pure Muslim culture to be miscegenated. Kamala father originally forbade Aamir from marrying a black woman since she wasn't a pure Muslim in their eyes. Instead of showing "diversity" by letting her stay Christian (she converted to Islam for Aamir of all people) and still marry/love Aamir, they sweep it under the rug by having Kamala do muh wacky zany adventures to prove she was Muslim enough for Aamir & her dad. It was sticky tripe because everyone knows Aamir isn't a real Muslim and only acts/dresses like an Imam to be lazy. Even the father is heavily a secularized "Muslim on Satuturday" type anyway. Why even have a purity spiral, especially one Kamala supports, when she's all about diversity, and they're supposed to be average non-puritan Muslims anyway?! Even in her latest book with the Muslim Dr. Strange rip-off, she makes herself look like a victim fir being flaky to Bruno because she couldn't break her poor fathers bigoted heart after he has to use a cane.

Kamala's just a shitty brownosing brat who only cares about getting attention like her idol Carol Danvers. She doesn't stand for anything unless it selfishly affects her while being a sanctimonius hypocrite.

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Meant for

>What's wrong with Kamala Khan?

She's a fan girl character. Her whole bag is being someone who's a fangirl and that's it. "OMG GUYS SUPER HEROES ARE SO COOL! WANNA READ MY FANFIC!" that's it and the idiot readers are supposed to lap this up and think WOW SHE'S JUST LIKE ME! She's boring. She's got nothing going on for her.

The simple truth of the matter is that too many of these characters want to be treated as legends out of the gate but none of them have to endure the tragedy that comes with being a super hero and just want to get the awesome EPICS. Heroism cannot exist without tragedy.

What about when her role model special police force got her classmate arrested and then her best friend hands got blew up?Or the juck became a professional super villain. Or what about she how to deal with inhuman concentration camps in her book and Secret Empires?