What series hurt you Yas Forums?

What series hurt you Yas Forums?

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Hickman X-men. Certainly the series are no worse than other post Morrison stuff, but it's so desperately prased it makes me mad

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For how kino the first 3 episodes were, i was not prepared for how it ended.

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Star vs, it looked really promising at season 2 then turned into shit at season 3 and jesus christ the finale.


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Huh. I never watched the newer season of samurai jack. Was there any reason for "paying homage" to the ttgl? I fucking hated that ending.

It used to be Spider-Man but Spencer has finally fixed that
Now it's They cucked my nigga Scott

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The new Harley Quinn show, I thought it had so much potential. However the voice acting is bland, the jokes are a a bit to random and now their pandering to yuri shippers.
I was so let down

>and now
It never had hope user

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no, it basically comes out of left field.


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Same with Batman, I'm just glad King mental breakdown is finally over.

Fuck off retard, by your logic Immortal Hulk is trash.

maggot mouth is disgusting jesus christ

How about the ENTIRE FUCKING LINEUP OF THE BIG TWO? Rebirth was nice but it feels like little more than a small hope spot in an otherwise constant, sinking decline.

Everyone is either black, gay or fucking dead.

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It is garbage tho. Not because of some background scientist however, but because of the power lever faggotry and oba stuff being dragged for too long

This right here. If it had been shit from the start, it would have been fine. I had prepared for disappointment. But the first few episodes were so far beyond my wildest dreams, I couldn't help but get excited. And then it became shittier then I could have expected almost immediately. It was cruel to give me hope like that.

a song of ice and fire
avatar the last airbender
how to train your dragon

all disappointments.

Legion of super-heroes has been a train-wreak lately

^ this guy thinking immortal hulk isn't trash

Bendis only good comic since he joined DC was Young Justice, everything else was him desperately trying to leave changes while not even trying to tell a story.

>too long
Two years, you people have no patience.

>Everyone is either black, gay or fucking dead.
I don't care if you're exaggerating, you're full of bullshit and you know it.

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TOBA is a retarded concept and you know it

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Venture bros itself is fine, but it taunts me with how long it takes to make each season and how quickly it passes when it arrives.

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Boy I'm glad Corona's putting the nail in coffin

To add to my comment here >Decimation is controversial Quesada puts his foot in his mouth for it but it's used to thindown the X-Line
>It ends up great with the Messiah saga finally doing an in-depth exploration of what being on the verge of extinction would actually entail for mutants. unlike before where it was just a constant background element
>It ends definitively with a genuine feeling of "we've explored everything this idea has to offer now we should move on"
>But towards that end SCHISM happens I.E Beast and Wolverine become unbearable hypocrites that should go fuck themselves
>Oh and it didn't actually end in the Messiah trilogy it ended in AvX which butchered the Phoenix just so the Avengers could have a point but at least it's over...
>IMMEDIATELY AFTER "Fuck You Inhuman Fart Cloud Now"
>That drags on and on and on but when it finally ends
>Hey lets make Scott a Cuck.
Hickmans run is a best seller because people are so sick of the extinction bullshit that they're happy to pick up now that it's gone also because I suspect they skim over the design pages as fluff but mark my words when
pic related Is made explicit/obvious those numbers are going to drop
The Alonso Era was shit for everyone but it was ABYSMAL for X-Fags

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It had so much potential, and Hussie threw it all away.

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it wasn't a franchise to begin with, so it hurts even more

this bitch wants "A piece of the pie" when she thinks Hulk is being coddled by educated white men. Shes thinking of two completely different situations but doesn't even realize it because every WOC written by these fucks only think of themselves. Yeah the educated white-men try to placate Hulk because Bruce Banner didn't just up and decide, "I'm going to be a huge green faggot everytime I get angry and rip shit up" I think its more racist to write these fucking PROUD WOMEN OF COLOR as heartless jealous cunts

teen titans replacing young justice was tough for me. it felt like losing something special for something routine.