Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. It's okay to escape into fantasy every so often...

Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. It's okay to escape into fantasy every so often, but making it your entire life is a ticket for disaster.

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I want to eat Starscream's cookies...

You finally understand Eva's message.

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Okay but if I have the choice between real life and eating starscreams cookies with all these characters then real life can go fuck itself

If everyone escaped, no one would cause problems

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There isn't a single valid argument against escapism. As long as you deal with problems that prevent you from actually escaping, then escapism is not only perfectly fine but actually good for your mental health.

They're oatmeal raisin though, because Starscream is treacherous.

Or Starscream is looking out for your health and perhaps he just thinks you would like them

But that's the whole point. People escape to avoid dealing with their problems, creating a positive feedback loop of escapism that they never try to get out of to actually fix the issues that seem so simple from the outside.

Pop culture fandom has the same problem now. Everything is politicized.

Yas Forums - "politics" and bait

But that's what I mean. As long as you pay your bills and have your life set up to where you can regularly engage in escapism, who cares? Yeah, watching cartoons instead of getting a job is stupid but that's the only time escapism isn't good.

Ignoring politics, your toxic family, social issues, etc. in favor of escapism is objectively a good thing.

But that's how it starts. You escape the things you can't change rather than accept them. Then it's a slippery slope to escaping all the things you CAN change because you convince yourself you're powerless to change anything. Then you're a husk of a man, wrapped up in your comfort, living off NEETbux and telling yourself you're going to improve yourself but never actually taking the first step because you're too busy being enamored by your fandom du jour.

>get promised cookies
>get given health food
>this is somehow not treachery

Oatmeal raisin has great textures though. Chewy with slight resistance.

>looking after someone
OOC is shit

So many of the best comics have politics in them. And this idea that we should escape to a perfect time without politics in comics is pathetic. There was shit trends in comics then, and there are shit comics in trends now.

Back in the day people complained just like they do now. The only real difference is the internet.

Fuck off Starscream is being based as hell you don't have to eat the cookies though it would be very rude of you not to at least try one. You can always just get Garnet to make some choclate chip afterwards you don't have to complain

Sounds like you're projecting. I work a full time job, have been for years. That doesn't prevent me from going full on escapism when I'm not working.

I guess if you're a retard with no self control or self discipline, sure escapism is bad. That applies to drugs and junk food too. For the rest of us with self control, escapism is what makes life worth living.

I'm talking in general. You're taking it so personal, it sounds like you're just insecure and scared.
So go escape back to your kiddie cartoons and comic books. You'll never amount to anything more.

I read comics all day and politics is almost never a theme. What the fuck are you "politics is in everything!" fags reading? Marvel comics all day?

Also, walking into a phone booth Joker is gesturing to while smiling warmly is a one way ticket to gettin smilaxed


Escapism is basically what fills up your time till you die. There's nothing wrong with this.
Also, could you project any harder?

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Yeah, but then again, people bought the fiction of the Apprentice and now look at our president.

>ur projecting!
Keep crying insecure fagtwat.


escape THIS *rips huge fart in ur face*

I never said politics is in "everything". Just many of the best comics have politics. Have you never read Watchmen? You've literally misunderstood what I was saying. There have always been bad comics for a variety of reasons (such as 90s extreme). This hasn't changed. The current trend is a long line of trends. SJW politics in comics is the modern one. But if you look back at Mike grell's Green Arrow or Engleharts Captain America, there is plenty of politics in them. The idea that politics has appeared out of no where is ridiculous.

I don't understand how you managed to misread what I said so badly.

This screams Movie Bob/Andrew Dobson

no because i don't read politicshit

Damn... really makes me think...

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I am actually struggling really hard with this right now. Before quarantine I pretty much avoided my shitty family situation by going to classes and studying at the library and working at the school. When Quarantine began all hell broke lose i couldn't run away from my home shit, shit got violent fast and then my health went to shit and had to go for emergency surgery and that ate up all my school savings. To cope I started using codeine and now obsessively reading my comics and ignoring my school work. Anytime I'm not reading or watching my Yas Forums shit I want to off my self. I first I thought escapism was great but this week I havent turned in any work just cause I cant fucking cope with shit.

So I kinda agree with your argument

Good for you I guess.

yeah it is pretty great ignoring gay ass politics

This is retarded, online fandoms are way more hateful than real life.

Oatmeal raisin is one of the most based cookies tho

Only if you disagree with them.

What are things that never happened for 200?

So you basically agree with the OP's cartoon then. To each other's own.

Jokes him I like oatmeal raisin

Yes. The comic itself is cringe, but the message I agree with. That guy will be happier engaging in escapism instead of getting bombarded with politics and news all day.

I feel disgusted knowing that the Starscream's cookies thing is a Nostalgia Critic reference. Also both online and irl have copious amounts of shitty people and you have to just make a couple of friends and ignore the fags you don't like.

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Bruh just ignore them and enjoy your stuff

Life is short existence is meaningless and random so you choose your own meaning

Just enjoy what you like fuck the discourse and wait for your life to expire