Work on your art thread
Work on your art thread
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Like now?
Why have these threads here when there's literally a whole board devoted to that?
I've made some advances in my art recently but i still have a long way to go
Because Yas Forums stands for Yas Forumsntainment for NGMIs
Thank god this came up.
Listen, I'm a brand new art fag, as in I have barely started for more than a month.
I've tried looking at the fucking Loomis Fun with a Pencil, and it really doesn't do anything for me. I mean, I understand needing to break things down into component shapes and shit but I mean that's everything to it, the rest are drawing exercises that don't really seem to speak to me and don't feel like what I need.
I mean is there some sort of Form or something I can try and learn? Are all drawing books transferable to digital art? I have a shitty chink tablet and Krita so I could draw from the comfort of my computer desk.
I'm just completely overwhelmed and don't know where to go.
please stop drawing
Maybe not what you were asking, but have you tried gesture drawing? It's a basic concept that helps grasp the general essence of movement and anatomy.
It's was a great stepping stone for me and learned lessons from it will carry into almost every aspect of your future art "career"
The basics and fundamentals are important. I recommend googling it and sinking the next few weeks into the concept alone. The hyper focus should help anyways.
No! That's can't be true!
Shut up, crab! We all have to start somewhere. The guy has some basic understanding of form, hideous as it is.
aaaand that should be enough for the day
working on a commission.
I'll never get this boxing fetish.
Your artstyle looks familiar.
Sure, that's worth trying I guess. It's a direction at the very least.
I mean my strokes are still shakey and uncertain and I can't draw a straight fucking line but I suppose that will work itself out as I do it more along with some drawabox.
Honestly- watch the guest videos on Proko's youtube channel.
The slogan to take away from /ic/ is "No rules, only tools" Greg Land has a decades long career and he traces porn.
I doodled a cowboy elf
Thanks a lot,this video looks great.
I'll keep an eye on this channel. It feels a lot easier to understand to watch it as opposed to trying to force myself through Keys to Drawing or something
pubescent fertile women are made to be bred. It doesn't matter if they are 11 or 41 they are ovulating to be mated with. Yes, if you want to fuck a child that's fucked up, but if she can bleed she can breed. Besides, women are universally regarded to degrade with age in attractiveness and fitness. The older you get the more likely it is to produce offspring with dysfunctional features. Why do you think there are so many children being born these days with autism? Women shouldn't be having kids at 35 they should be having them at 15.
not an argument. "TV says it's bad so it is!"
chill out, chris. it's just drawings.
Go ask a 15 year old girl if it's bad that you wanna fuck them you nasty piece of work
I have and many have said yes. 15 is one year below the legal age of consent in the UK. What magical process happens between the 365 days where she turns 15 and she turns 16? The answer is: nothing. You've been brainwashed dude
Pick your faction frens!
Based and Cunnypilled.
>I have a shitty chink tablet and Krita so I could draw from the comfort of my computer desk.
You could do that with a pencil and paper. In fact, you could draw from the comfort of literally anywhere
Are you advising that I shouldn't try and learn from Tablet?
It just sounded to me like I would have access to tools that could assist, I don't have plans on being some big dick art personality I just sort of want to learn how to sketch and maybe some /tg/ stuff for my friends.
Technically, it's best to learn to draw irl first, but ppl swear by digital only, as a draw-fag myself, I started with trad. and then onto digital. I find it's best to learn both as some skills cross over, and others don't, and that you can draw anywhere with trad. and it feels more comfy. I'd suggest practicing trad. with regards towards practicing line focus and conservation, usually thinking heavily on your drawing and what to draw with pen, no pencil or eraser, meaning, make mistakes and think strategically with regards towards the progression of your piece. It'll help you draw faster and get your idea out faster by forcing yourself to take each line and section of drawing slower and more deliberate.
Because /ic/ is shit.
>your drawing and what to draw with pen, no pencil or eraser,
That makes a lot of sense to me. Having to learn how to draw without fucking up or at least learning to adapt and balance speed alongside that shit.
I'll gather up my ball point pens and try some of those out as well. I don't have any of those fancy thin pointed pens but I figure that those are only really useful for fine detail and I sure as hell aint there yet.
And here I thought nothing good would ever come out of these threads.
Try Loomis again when you've gotten better. His work isn't very accessible to beginners despite what /ic/ says. There are a million art YouTubers who can teach you the absolute basics, find one you like and use them as a starting point, not as an absolute rule.
I've been avoiding drawthreads lately because I didn't feel enough confident in my art, but tonight I made my first account to share some requests that I did here, I don't want to give up on my drawings. I don't know if devianart it's a good place to start, but it's better than nothing I guess
You can use any pen honestly, I actually prefer the super cheap ballpoint pens. Go and draw your room, or backyard, or kitchen, or set up a still life of interesting items and draw them in with the pen. It really will help you see and focus better on your drawing. The problem trap with digital is that ppl use it more like trad. approach. Layers are your biggest friends, notably, a sketch layer, then onto a final line layer. But the trad. pen is king to beginning to get into drawing, pencil and erasers are a pitfall, which is partially a pitfall as well with digital with the same problem. You WILL fail and draw VERY badly, a lot in the beginning, but that is part of the whole process of learning. Thats why erasers and digital are a pitfall, ppl try and polish things that are fundamentally wrong on the foundational level.