You're gonna love my boyfriend

You're gonna love my boyfriend

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i actually really liked that joke because the lass as a proper stacey and i think most straight guys would be like wtf towards her attitude and the guy only tolerated it because he was bent

what a chad


Most based moment in cinema history

the movie was very wholesome

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>Are you watching mums aerobics tapes again?

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>You're gonna love my boyfriend
But I want to love you!

i dont care about the gay guy but this movie was chicken little with a new coat of paint, it was awful and peopple who defend it are morons
the worst part is the half assed relationship between the protagonist and his father which was an obvious excuse to have drama, in fact its so in y our face about every single thing i think the movie should come with the developers commentary by default as it seems to be the intended way of experiencing it

This actually works
>is a legitimate funny joke
>isn't used for brownie points
>literally last moment of the film so even fag haters don't have time to dwell on it long

is there any porn of him?

Proves that fags work best as jokes

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I wish i was his boyfriend

For what purpose?

Sexual purposes I'd imagine

I got a good laugh out of that.

>Comparing Paranorman to Chicken Little

Fucking top quality comedy.

Even Chicken Little's father did more to redeem himself than Norman's father. Also, CL's dad never called his son a mental case or told him that he wishes he was born differently.

>chicken little with a new coat of paint
Don't ever say anything so awful again.

literally the same script

woah his body is like the same shape as his head. amazing character design

chicen littles father is a character
in paranormal the relationship is
>i hate you son, you embarras me, please hide what makes you special
>no father, now i go on adventure
its robotic

Plotting maybe, script no

Chicken Little’s father was a complete piece of shit for no reason. Paranorman’s dad was just tired and worn from all the ghost talk constantly.


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Maybe, but it doesn't excuse calling him a mental case and telling him that he wishes Norman was born differently. He never even apologizes or helps him stop the zombie situation. He also wasn't a living husband at all.


Name 5 other times this happened.

This movie was bad. It was Chris Butler's first script, and it shows. It's sad how people think that this should've won the Oscar instead of Brave.

That must've been a deleted scene, cause it's not in the film.

I wonder what kinda guys he's into

there arent 5 scenes with the father in the movie

>turbochad fag
One of the best tropes

Paranorman has great visuals and fun characters. Brave was dull as shit.

Brave was worse

At least Brave had a heart and wasn't mean spirited or unpleasant.

>t. Mr Enter

What an ugly film