
Pregancy thread

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>so you've ruined your life
Only cynical assholes believe this. Parenthood is a gift not a curse.

While I'm pretty sure this is just a blue fetish thread, I'll contribute.

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this is my fetish

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This is the father

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>Parenthood is a gift not a curse.

Only coping retards believe this.

I think that one's specifically in the context that she got pregnant by a guy that promised her an escape with her music career then ditched her and fucked off never to be seen again. She found out she was pregnant while he was away IIRC.

Pregnancy or knocking women up and bailing? I sort of get either. There's a sort of potent disregard for others that makes knocking someone up and fucking off never to see them again seem like such an asshole move that it's almost cool. Bonus points if they keep the kid and actually adore them; all the life-altering power with none of the responsibility. Only in theory, of course. Deadbeat dads deserve the rope.

>Parenthood is a gift
Only when you're mentally, personally, and economically prepared for it (i.e like 1 in every 20 people). Else, congrats you just fucked your life and probably your child's too

Honestly, single moms deserve the rope. Most of the social and financial problems in the world are caused by single mothers.

I second this, the vast majority of people should not have children. The vast majority of them fuck up so bad that their children turn into figurative monsters.

What about deadbeats who are the only reason the mom becomes single?

>who are the only reason the mom becomes single
It takes two to tango. Plus there are plenty of crazy cunts that lie about their contraceptives to try and tie down a man or to get welfare money. Its not just the dead beat dads that are to blame, just partially.

Yeah, but single moms are single (typically)because of the dads being deadbeats. Yes there are cases where a woman has a kid and does everything in her power to remove the father from the situation, but deadbeat dads can't exist and somehow leave moms not single.

>I'll take Steven Universe for $500 Alex.

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A good thread

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Deadbeat dads are not the only reason for single mothers. To even imply otherwise is nothing short of disingenuous ignorance or an outright lie.

Gentlemen, gentlemen.
Deadbeat dads AND single (non-widowed) mothers are both bad.
The former for making more of the latter.

> the only reason THE mom becomes single?

implying individual, context clues and get hooked on phonics,

>implying individual, context clues and get hooked on phonics,

Not an argument.

Well, this thread is a letdown.

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So sluts that fuck without any contraceptives and were too drunk to even remember the father's face let alone his name share no blame? Nigga baby making is a two person game.

Not a lot of users keep screencaps of the sparse times pregnancy pops up in Yas Forums media.

You can't get a boypussy pregnant though.


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See this is why pregnancy fetish just doesn't work. Americans and Europeans just don't want taxpayer money going to single mothers and sees them as baby factory for the war and office effort.

Only Canucks seem to treat mom's right and just want to watch a healthy mom carrying twins eat junk and act casual. Leafs want to fill a stadium full of kids to fund their hockey stadiums

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A moment of silence for Leafs where they want to make industrial sized mom's big enough to bully the prime minister and Moose's and fuck strapping Mounties

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get off this site Kisame you worthless faggot, you ruined /d/ don't ruin Yas Forums

I am not joking, Leafs understand the pregnancy fetish better than Americans

It can be argued that Handmaiden Tale was ruined because Americans are too afraid of a big far thick pregnant woman waddling and birthing.

The author isn't as crazy as Marian Engels who made beastiality porn and got away with it.

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Silence Toddler con

I respect Leafs and their ballsy effort to make hyper preg for us.

Go back to Europe, imouto fag

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We at Yas Forums know from history's greatest master mind that you are s pedo

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What is happening.

It's a pregnancy fetish thread in disguse.

notorious schizoid posting about his canada fetish

Leafs taught us everything about hyper preg. A moment of science for Oh Canada

(PS. I take psychology and know autism is bullshit cause psychology is never taken seriously by people)

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I have taken psychology and they told us that psychology is never taken seriously as it's a social science. Go back to /d/ and chug your Prozac and Ibprofein

Real talk I don't know why I am even banned. I think you guys are just bores. And I entertain bores for a living