why do people these days hate villainous villains and demand they all be deep/sympathetic/heroes at heart but want all heroes to be shining toothless boyscouts? there is no dynamic in that
Why do people these days hate villainous villains and demand they all be deep/sympathetic/heroes at heart but want all...
irl a lot of people arent just villainous for the save of being villains they usually at least think they're being moral and good character writing usually reflects that
people prefer characters that feel more 3-dimensional
It's because of the nature of the Big 2. Truly villainous villains are the ones you love to hate and seeing them get their well-earned comeuppance is the biggest draw, but that can't happen in the Big 2. No Big 2 villain can properly receive their just desserts because they need to be able to bust out of the slammer or come back to life next week and cause more havoc to keep sales up. When the villainous villains never get real or lasting punishment, it gets dull to see them dance out of the path of karma and continue their eternal rampage. Meanwhile, sympathetic villains have the same IP Immortality and will thus always be on the journey towards redemption and, unlike the desire to see the defeat and repudiation of the ideas of the villainous villains, it's that journey towards redemption that's the appeal for sympathetic villains.
>and demand they all be deep/sympathetic/heroes at heart but want all heroes to be shining toothless boyscouts
This is the gayest thing I've read in a while
From an interview with Greg Rucka
Also while complete bastards for little reason like Osborn or Black Manta can be entertaining as hell, the archetype loses its appeal the more commonplace it is. It works best when there is contrast between not just the villain and the hero, but when there is contrast between the villain and other villains.
You can be deep and cartoonishly villainous and fun.
They don't exclude each other.
Yep. Doofenshmirtz is a good example.
everyone has to be nice so i can imagine being friends with them
A villain can be a 3-dimensional person. That doesn't mean his villainy has to be 3-dimensional too. Hatred, greed, power-lust, straight up lust, these are simple motivators anyone can experience, no need for a sob story or a philosophical manifesto.
The bigger issue is why must female villains always have a man be the reason why she's evil? Why can't comics and cartoons make good female villains?
villains and heroes are two different things
Sociopaths, BPD, and narcissists are a thing though
>Who is an antihero?
Because anything with the slightest tiniest eensyist bit of ‘edge’ absolutely traumatizes the zoomer
Capeshit writers are stupid, and think that the cliche of villain having a dobby backstory is the replacement for good characters. IRL moral relativism isn't as widely accepted in philosophy. A majority of real life thugs, criminals and war lords don't have deep motives. They do evil deeds for serving their own self serving needs. Capeshit is the only place where this shit is widely seen.
Because stories with one-dimensional characters are waste of time.
Those people still have motivations. Furthermore, the overwhelmingly vast majority of people with those conditions lead perfectly normal lives. Furthermore, the issue isn't that they exist, the issue is that their appeal only works if there is a limited amount of them. It'd be the same as if you had every villain with a sob story and reveal that deep down they have a heart of gold. Sometimes you don't want some pointlessly evil bastard, you want a tragic antivillain, sometimes you don't want a tragic antivillain, you want the pointlessly evil bastard.
Or majority of Morrison villains. While, Geoff Johns turns every villain into a guy with tragic backstory, moral code, and happens to be one of the worst writers ever.
you miss the point idiot, the people in question hate him.
>use Gail Simone as argument
>calls someone an idiot
I get so fucking tired of sympathetic villains. Sure its nice once in a while, and can offer more fleshed out characterization, but its abused. Now its purely done for self-inserting autists. Sometimes a bastard is more fun, like Black Manta or Professor Zoom
Even Manta has a backstory now. Thanks Johns.
Don't blame Johns, blame the fans who demand characters have backgrounds and origins and that everything in the story has to be explained in meticulous detail. Because Johns is just writing to satisfy the demands of those people.
Like Hannibal?
It's a basic Johns trope.
>want all heroes to be shining toothless boyscouts? there is no dynamic in that
Nah. That's deemed shitty by modern audiences.
Manta’s always had a tragic backstory of some kind (though it’s been retconned back & forth to the point people act as though he’s evil just because), & so has Zoom. You can be “iredeemable” while still being tragic, that’s been a thing since before Shakespeare
I don't see having a backstory or even a heavily detailed backstory as a bad thing. It can be grating if poorly written or a silver age villain that previously had no backstory gets one.
>Truly villainous villains are the ones you love to hate and seeing them get their well-earned comeuppance is the biggest draw, but that can't happen in the Big 2
I never believed that. I like scummy villains, because they can be over the top with their villainy, it's fun to see. I don't need to see them suffer. I don't need to see darkseid suffer.
Manta's backstory is such a throwaway part of his backstory. Early backstories of Manta was about his autism acting up.
Shakespeare was a hack and relied on the lowest common denominator to sell his trash. Raskolnikov or the underground man are fully fleshed characters without relying on some stupid cliche. Imagine if Taxi Driver showed the complete backstory of Travis Bickle, or Henry from Goodfellas was a gangster because the police killed his mother.
>”Since before Shakespeare”, implying the trope’s longevity due to the timeperiod evoked
Besides that, noone liked Bickle or Henry because they were mustache-twirling autismos. Bickle was a bitter, overly-cynical misanthrope & Henry was a poor former-nobody living out a real life power fantasy. Making characters always sympathetic is tiring, but none of these “unsympathetic” characters do it just because