Feels like Disney threw Filoni a Lucas-sized wad of cash to complete this final Clone Wars arc. That didn't seem like a weekly episode, it felt like the first act of a movie.
Siege of Mandalore
Fuck you, I liked it.
Daily reminder nobody even told this guy his character was replaced by the Tardez sisters
I want to cum on her orange cheekbones.
God damnit.
ching chongs btfo
lmao, fukkin gooks
wtf it was better than I expected. That's not supposed to happen with Star Wars.
Oof. Does Disney ever not mess up anything star wars?
What a lousy, poser faggot.
Hate these OT jerkers. Fake fans.
Any references to the Mandalorian show?
She will be on season 2, they have her a good arc now to hive her a push for mandaloian season 2 then spin her off in to her own woke show
Did it actually get good? I went into it with high hopes but dropped it at like ep 4 after they rescued robocop.
This episode was the only non-filler episode and is the lead up to the Revenge of the Sith opening, only 3 episodes left, so I am assuming this episode and the next 3 will all be a 4 part arc that connects to not only the Revenge of the Sith opening but also Ashoka's fate
I've watched the first episode in the season and it was extremely stupid, painfully low-IQ, absolute trash.
This last arc is Filoni thinking "Okay, I've done the clone fanservice and SJW shit for them, now it's time for SW, my way."
>watching mouseshit
I want her to bully me for only having a 7 inch dicklet and make me suck her fat meaty 10" cock
Post the pasta
This last arc is essentially the only "important" plot stuff Filoni actually needed to do.
The Bad Batch and SIsters arc was just crowdpleasing to sell it as "finishing the last season", but in actuality they probably could have just released Seige of Mandalore as a movie.
This. The other two arcs sucked and should have been replaced with something else. Bad Batch wasn’t kino fuck what everyone else says
>watching nuwars
>not knowing this arc was the last stuff George Lucas developed together with pre-Disney Lucasfilm
i know it but i also know disney is shit and fucks it up even with a outline
nuwars is shit and you faggots deserve everything thats coming to you
Why did this need another season?
It didnt not even back then the show ended at its prime
Any update on this chinks reaction to finding out???
Post the follow up
Because the Seige of Mandalore was essentially the missing puzzle peice connecting everything Filoni and George Lucas worked on for the past 15 years.
It covers;
>Mandalorian history with Death Watch
>Ahsoka during ROTS
>How Maul survived and led Crimson Dawn, and later confronts Ahsoka on Malachor in Rebels
It was also just supposed to be the climax of the show, main hero and villain showdown, like at the end of each movie. Imagine if ESB ended right when Luke left Dagobah. You can skip to ROTJ and get the jist of what happened, but you're gonna' want to actually SEE what happened between Luke and Vader. Well, people actually want to see this great battle of Mandalore, and the battle Ahsoka and Maul had.
Lmao, now we know why the previous episodes were so shit. All the budget went to this. The animation looks incredible.
I'm pretty sure I've even heard real orchestra which definitely gave this episode this cinematic flare. It actually felt like Star Wars. Congrats, Fedoraman.
You guys don't even know the best part; At the last Star Wars Celebration, they said that the fight between Ahsoka and Maul is mocapped like an actual movie.
They even got Ray Park back to perform Maul.
This last arc essentially IS a new Prequel movie.
>Ahsoka during ROTS
>How Maul survived and led Crimson Dawn,
What was the answer to these two things?
The events of Seige of Mandalore, airing on DisneyXD this Friday!
Crimson Dawn is a new canon retardation thanks to Ron Howard
it wast a 2 episode special? only ep 9 was torrent
Bad Batch was shite, a load of stereotypes and cliches combined which also lacks any sense of danger or tension.
Was the filler worth it guys?
My god
>Fully rendered this Greivous model
>Just for this one second scene
>We could've got the Utapau arc and get to see this in all its glory
>Basically blew their entire budget into this arc
>The previous arcs were basically filler it its purest form