>made his entire family think he’s a Brony to protect her
You will never have a brother this good.
Made his entire family think he’s a Brony to protect her
this but with rita
>one bad motherfucker
>get it?
Yeah lincoln is a good kid. I wish he had a dedicated writer that wrote him better.
He became a glorified background character in season four. Feels bad man.
She better suck his dick as a thank you
y tho
the showrunners just know what the audience wants
>dedicated writer that wrote him better.
So basically have 10 waifufags for writers.
I actually read somewhere that they are about as aware of the loudcest fandom as the creators of MLP are of Bronies. I can’t remember where, though.
Just imagine the smell.
Where do I sign up?
How would you write lincoln better as independent from the sisters? I would bring back his man with the plan, get rid of clyde, and he’s serious about making it as a comic book artist.
Meant for as well
More or less exactly what I would do. You can’t have the Loud House without the sisters, but Clyde stopped being relevant after he stopped furiously mentally fapping to Lori.
How much is that? They made a whole episode in MLP staring background characters and I don't think it was the little girls watching the show who liked those.
Enough to focus on the sisters more and have Ronnie Anne fuck off to a spin-off that will be lucky if it makes it to the end of its first season.
If they start actually referencing Sin Kids then all bets are off.
>You can’t have the Loud House without the sisters
You can't have the loud house without the whole family. Lincoln, Rita, Lynn Sr, and all the sisters are essential. But the retarded writers want Clincoln McCloud bullshit like Lincoln can't hang with his sisters anymore.
Fair enough, parents too. Clyde needs to go, though. The show earned its SJW points by having a canon married gay couple, now give us more Loud House with our Loud House.
>Stop talking about cartoons on the comics and cartoons board.
>and have Ronnie Anne fuck off to a spin-off that will be lucky if it makes it to the end of its first season.
It's already been confirmed for a second season.
>If they start actually referencing Sin Kids
How could they even get away with that?
Some lookalike background characters are the most I could ever see them do
>If they start actually referencing Sin Kids then all bets are off.
How could they?
Follow fan fiction writers and make Lincoln into a shitty deadbeat dad.
So what a future episode that turns out to be a dream at the end?
>So what a future episode that turns out to be a dream at the end?
That's sullivan tier writing. He's a hack that wrote zombie FOP episodes after all.
because Lucy is a pig slut that has nothing else to offer
there's a reason why mlp is banned too
He used that ending in an episode of the loud house actually.
>Some lookalike background characters are the most I could ever see them do
Either that or do something like have Lucy name one of her bats ‘Lupa.’
Yes. Don't remind me about one of the boys. Sullivan has no brothers or sisters and shouldn't have wrote it and just relied poorly on tropes about brothers.
Go bitch to the mods then, I’m sure they’ll give every bit as much of a fuck as we do.
There's also the Butterfly Effect and White Hare
>Butterfly Effect
This one wasn't really a hack ending because it got more and more obvious as time went on that things weren't normal.
>White Hare
We knew right from the synopsis that he would go to sleep.
Sullivan is just a hack writer. His reliance on montages, tropes, cliches, and everything else from the fairly odd parents is written here.
Remember who her REAL dad is.
You guys have a general there.