Did anyone really appreciate this title back then?

Did anyone really appreciate this title back then?
Seems to me it's vastly inferior to x-men...

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I was a hit. First ongoing spinoff of a hugely popular book.
The youth of the cast was definitely at the heart of its appeal.

I'd argue that at it's height it was the better X-book, but that didn't last long.

Maybe try it again when from when Cable appears.

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Are the original appearances of Legion any good?
The show has me interested.

If only this were the interior art and not Liefeld...

It was great. In what other series does one of the heroes turn into a gross obese freak of a villain?
Sure. It's Bill Sienkiewicz, you should read it for the art alone.

That is Liefeld, user.

>Tfw the team leader is a redneck

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A redneck who got the /ss/

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Well before it was a gay vietnamese rape victim, then he shared the job with the injun.

It was great, but the whole character ark of Wolfsbane was misery porn

It's her own fault for being a Christian.

Who is the best member of the New Mutants and why is it Warlock?

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Shes presbytarian.

Ach nae!

It was less good than X-Men, but still very good. There were some lame moments like the forced Team America appearance.

Yeah who the hell were those people?

They were characters from a toy tie-in comic.

>beats up your super-powered hero team
Nothing personnel, kid

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Dani, I enjoyed her development from cocky hotshot into confident leader. Ain't afraid to call people out on their shit but also a playful tease. Fun gal all around.

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Not really, New Mutants went downhill as soon as Claremont left.

She also started out openly hostile against white people.

>it's a "Dani dresses up for the carnival and feels her outfit isn't revealing enough" issue

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Poor Rahne. So young, so full of hope, so unaware of the non-stop pain train of suffering that is to come.

How can Xavier manage two teams at the same time?

He doesn't, he just makes you think he does.

Sometimes I see panels and pages from X-Books with them having weird adventures in space or fighting demons or whatever, with great art, and a nice enough prose for a capebook and everything, and I want to pick them up. Then I remember that about 80% of said books are about "muh niggers/faggots/trannies" and I lose interest.

How the fuck do you know what they're about if you haven't read them?

Osmosis, I suppose. Yas Forums, various forums, the odd issue I browsed.

So you don't know shit and just listen to what shitposters tell you.

Get out

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>get told what they are
>don't like what I hear
>skip them
Do I have to waste 100 hours reading from the 60s to what, the 90s to have a general opinion?

>Osmosis, I suppose. Yas Forums, various forums, the odd issue I browsed.
See, this is why nobody takes you Yas Forumstard queers seriously. I used to be like you until I got laid and realized that nornal guys don't act like dramatic faggots over little things like you do. You're literally throwing pissyfits over fake shit you made up. You believe everything you read. The collective IQ of humanity would go up if you died. You spend your life being happily lied to by stormfront shills. Kill yourself subhuman


He doesn't. The New Mutants weren't supposed to be heroes, they just run off on their own or get attacked by Sentinels while going to the movies.

>I see good things about these books but my paranoid schizophrenia has convinced me that they're bad because voices in my head told me so
Oof. Got your niggers right here though.

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By the looks of it you aren't reading shit.

Well, I don't care about niggers, so why would I read books about them?
Well yeah, I'm not in the habit of reading "shit".