Well ? Why ?

Well ? Why ?

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who cares. call ICE

I swear, both Joshua and Jonathan Luna are fucking lunatics.

Okay, now i am curious. What is that for? And why does he call it taboo?

>do something differently than others
>they ask what's up out of curiousity
oh no how terrible

so he uses the tabo with toilet water is that what this is telling me

Flipanons, enlighten me. Why is there a measuring cup on your toliet.

It's to wash up after taking a piss/shit.

To replace this

Attached: tabo.jpg (300x231, 4.58K)

so something like a bidet? Seems awfully inconvenient to use a cup for that

its to use toilet water to wash their ass its like a poorfag version of a bidet
also if you can get a bidet that shit changes your life

He doesn't wipe his ass. He pours water down his crack and uses his hand (yes, his hand) to wash his dirty, stinky asshole, getting shit water all over his hand. They'll also use a bar of soap that anyone using that bathroom shares, and then they wash their hands with the butt soap bar.

Literally who the fuck cares what you wash your ass with.

wait, you really dont know this? wtf, i thought you were supposed to be a first world country lol its for cleaning the pee from your balls when it dribbles down, you put them in the cup with warm water

W.T.F. That's not a cultural practice, that's just having poor plumbing.

Well they now both hate each other with accusations of physical abuse. And even fucking IMAGE refused to publish Joshua's book.

>also if you can get a bidet that shit changes your life
Correct. Best purchase I ever made was a toilet seat bidet. Bonus I can set it to warm the seat in the winter.

It's a traditional bidet & still used for people too poor to have a bidet (ie most Filipinos)

>That's not a cultural practice, that's just having poor plumbing.
Can confirm, only poor people do that shit.

>its for cleaning the pee from your balls when it dribbles down
how the fuck do you piss to get it on your balls? What is wrong with your penis?

So here's how my family used these since I never knew people use toilet water
1. Fill tabo in sink
2. Pump soap in hand
3. Rinse ass with some water
4. Soap up
5. Clean everything with remaining water
6. Dry up with paper towel

>he had a sink
lol ok richfag


>Tfw a pressure wash elite sees Toilet paperfag and Bucket fags

Attached: How pathetic.png (600x515, 63.19K)

What is wrong with Filipino's?
Did something happened to them in history to make them like this?

Even poorfags at least have some sort of faucet.

450 years of white people keeping them down.

Why don't they just use a bidet?

Attached: 3169357.jpg (2000x1333, 131.37K)

Too expensive.

Piss is stored in the balls

user, being colonized by europeans makes people better. That can't be the cause.

? you pee and it falls down

Pretty much every seafaring empire navigating the area gave them a beating.

Why don't they just get money?

I'm never going to an asian restaurant ever again

100% percent correct. Blast that fucker clean and I never worry about having a shitty asshole after a gnarly dump,

Except the Spaniards actually raped and killed Filipinos.

This is mind-blowing to me, and not in a bad way, it’s just a cultural thing I never really thought about.

It still just seems awfully inconvenient and messy. I can’t imagine the angle you have to position your ass in to get water to go down it easily.

to busy sending care packages to jobless family members back in the motherland

Spaniards are the niggers of Europe

Keep in mind that the guy drawing the comic is actually American.
I don't know what actual Filipinos are like, but I want to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Spaniards & Yanks stole all the bidet technology & brought them back home.

Then why were they using toilet paper until very recently?

I never liked it & stopped doing it when I was young. But since toilet paper never really cleans a crack completely many Filipinos don't want to rely solely on that for cleaning, so they'll go the distance to clean.

What's wrong woth Spaniards then? Why can't they fix their colonies?

He's just perpetually angry at everyone who isn't his specific mix of Filipino/Chinese born and raised in his exact situation in America. It's such a laser-focused level of hatred that it's almost impressive.
>hates white people who don't care about asian cultures
>hates white people who do care about asian cultures
>hates white people making movies without asians
>when they do make a movie with asians, it's the wrong kind of asian so he's still mad
>hates japs/koreans/chinese because he thinks they get special treatment
>not a fan of full-blooded filipinos either
Dude just dislikes everything not named Josh Luna

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Imagine if they had discovered it was possible to get some water onto the toilet paper to clean more.

Now this shit is weird to me. I was in a hotel and I almost shat in one of these before wondering how and where the poop would go. Where is this even a thing?

Does any empire really care about its colonies?

ngl I'd pay for that american to step on my chest

wouldn't the paper just tear if you did that?

And now you have shit on your hands because wet toilet paper is soft and breaks easy.

the filipinos are colonizers themselves, the first inhabitants of south east asia were black


Even Jesus is tired of Joshua's shit

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (900x900, 144.99K)

Get better toilet paper.

somehow I doubt he'd care