Disney plus earns them basically no money...

Disney plus earns them basically no money. I can't see how they can afford to run it when they gave away year passes for free, at at most like $70.

That Fox buyout was the most retarded move. They've done nothing with that purchase . What a blunder

why do they not just put all of the 20th century fox stuff on Disney plus ?

They've held all of the classic Fox back catalogue of movies hostage and they will never be allowed to be shown in theatres or re-released on home video ever again!

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I won't subscribe to disney+ because they've been censoring movies and won't add song of the south

Only $30 million? That's pocket change.

30 million every DAY, retard. This is on top of getting zero income.

>a day
Who knows how long they'll keep losing money?

this fucking MONOPOLY needs to be toppled. Disney thought they could do no wrong if they bought off the the shill media, but look at them now. Now that the checks have stopped coming, the shills are starting to show their real feelings towards the garbage Disney put out for years. Iger must lay awake at night, to know all of the IPs Disney bought have been wasted by toxic political personalities. What's left for Disney to cash in? Normies have started to leave the MCU ship because the big bad guy is defeat, Star Wars was murdered with Luke, Pixar is dead in the water, their parks and boats are closed, and there isn't a princess movie anyone cares about coming out soon. Don't forget they just borrowed 5 Billion dollars just to keep the ship running.

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Didn’t they borrow 5billion recently?

Anyway, Trump will probably bail them out.


I start to think THIS is how Universal and Warner Bros are looking at Disney right now, waiting for the unavoidable selling of certain assets


Oh noooooo, poor Disney!

They are just a small indie company, user. Feel sorry for them.

This is exactly what I was going to post.

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It piss me off
But you're probably right

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I chuckle at these threads with the same sad characters hoping in vain for Disney Studios to break down.

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and? they have billions worth of assets. And because they are the Goddamn mouse they are about the law and can get infinite amount of bank loans at 0% and government gibs.

Oh no, the poor media megacorporation! Whatever shall we do without them extending copyright unto eternity in order to defend the great god Mickey!


finally I can say this


*laughing in netflix*

Can I ask a question?
Why do you NEED Mickey Mouse to be public domain? Do you have this incredible Mickey Mouse work you're dying to release to the world?

This is payback for massively mishandling the Star Wars IP.

Oh, and also holding the Fox back catalog hostage.

If ONLY they could have killed off Star Wars for good.
I have grown sick over the years of the infantile fascination with that low-tier science fantasy franchise for children and the autists who obsess over it.

It's not Mick specifically, it's him and all the media thst would have otherwise fallen into Public Domain absent Disney's meddling.

Netflix has never, ever generated profits in its existence you know, always burned more than what it received.

Not that user, but it's ridiculous the company built on public domain can't abide by the same standard when the creator is dead, and said company is the same in name only.

>Disney will die in your lifetime

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This, it's like youtube, it's only valuable in terms of popularity/web presence.

In other words, people save $30 million a day instead of wasting it

>all the media
A shitload of Disney's stuff is pulled from Public Domain, stuff that remains in public domain.
It's not like you can't do anything with Hercules or Robin Hood or the HCA Little Mermaid story.
You just can' specifically crib Disney's versions of them.
I really fail to see the problem. This is like getting upset that you can't use Masters of the Universe and that is somehow preventing you from doing Swords and Sorcery shit.

Have you thought that maybe you hate Disney so much that its made you a retarded asshole?

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I bet you $1200 i don't have that trump will bail them out like other user said.

>Why do you NEED Mickey Mouse to be public domain?
Because Disney uses public domain stories too
Adventures of Huck Finn
Tom and Huck
Alice in Wonderland
Around the World in 80 Days
Beauty and the Beast
Chicken Little
Christmas Carol
John Carter
Little Mermaid
Oliver & Company
Return to Neverland
Princess and the Frog
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty

>Big Two will die in your lifetime
>Disney will die in your lifetime
I fail to see any problems here.

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