I don't understand why it gets lots of negative flack. I like it. It does a pretty good job compared to the old one

I don't understand why it gets lots of negative flack. I like it. It does a pretty good job compared to the old one.

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Lemme just hijack this thread, bud

the negative flack only comes from this trash pit

Frank Angones cast the only negress in the world who can't fucking sing.

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It killed off the better show and took what it originally was planned to have first leaving it with 0 promotion
Also it lacks its identity, but it's starting to find it and I think that the cameos being minor so far help

I too hate duckfags constantly shitting on it but this threads just gonna get people calling you a faggot op.

I like it and I like the references to goofy and max, the original is pretty bad to be honest

ok, who fucked a harp?

Don't be a faggot. You know exactly why this show gets scorned. Good bait though it'll keep up till the new episode

The real question is supposedly if it's 10/10 praised everywhere but Yas Forums why are people so upset that some people on Yas Forums don't like it? Don't you have everywhere else where you could get that endless praise?
From what I've seen outside here most people think it's just there. Think it's nice and the cameos are nice but not a cartoon to really get into.

>I don't understand why it gets lots of negative flack
Then you are lost.

From the little I've seen of it
>Scrooge isn't greedy to everyone's detriment
>Gravity Falls but ducks
>Overall, taking itself waaaay too seriously

You're missing
>webby's crew of retards styling on the triplets
>donald getting fucked over
>the entire moon arc

nice job op, using obvious bait to get retards to keep this bumped

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I didn't forget it, I just never watched it. The only Webby-based episode I've seen was the first one at the Chuck-E-Cheese. I think that was the last episode I watched before I dropped nu-Ducktales.


>Scrooge isn't greedy to everyone's detriment
I don't think this is bad and kind of enjoy this
What works for comics doesn't work for a cartoon series. Scrooge still is (at least supposed to be) the main character of Ducktales and no one is going to be enticed with his asshat attitude animated for 30 minutes while he wins at everything, since in the comics that works because Donald is the main character. Now a at times cranky hardcore adventurer who cares deeply about his family moreso then any of his riches? That jives better for a cartoon where he's the lead and makes us like him.

>trendy shit like the facebook villain
>the entire millonarie vs millonarie thing is dropped
>make wrong choices with donald character
Dude real life normal voice donald lmao. There are moments i wish they didnt use donald in the first place for this reboot.
>abuse of cameos and easter eggs
>cringe dialogue in some episodes
>some episodes are utterly bland
>force the entire girl trio as a "we want to left our ocs for generations" thing.
Webby is forced in some episodes and her character was blank in them, you could easily do more with her character wise. Lena started good but now she is just there and the 3rd one is so pathetic is just there to be that, the 3rd one.

I know i sound negative but there a little thibns that also liked it (gladstone casino/christmas episode) but yeah 70% bad with 30% good. Its a meh show

thanks for proving you didn't watch the show, your opinion can be safely disregarded

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It was bullshit Violet was a JWC, but man it was cute seeing her emulate her sister Lena.

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It set up hueys arc this season so I'm not complaining.

>donald voiced by a black man
So brave, powerful.

Fuck off. Pretending nothing is wrong doesn't someone mean I don't watch the show.

Lena is such a weird character because she rose then fell
She started as a real tryhard cool kid who isn't cool who was there for the Magica twist. She was decently frequent in season 1
Season 2 was the real good stuff. She has insecurity, is rather dorky and yearning for any companionship, has to deal with her prior life and the influence that's trying to creep back in. She was made a real good character
Season 3 they kind of wrote her out completely. She seems to be really flat and only there to be with Violet to make a Tiny Toon esque girls group. She really isn't interesting like she was, she might get an episode to complete her arc but it doesn't have the same spark yet

Did you have a stroke writing that
I mean, shes only been in one episode this season and wasnt a main focus

This show has a retarded way of doing arcs. The first two episodes were about Huey and played into his strengths of logical thinking versus Violet, realizing he has an issue of becoming immoral under pressure, and against the fantastic, realizing the sitcom charade through his observational skills. Then the show grinds to a halt for Dewey and Launchpad being idiots while Scrooge goes on a ticket rush. Huey would've actaually been fun to see mesh with Launchpad since they've not interacted since the gold episode. It was fun and played differing characters than doubling up on the dummies. Next episode is on the face about Louie rather than Huey and Louie even has another episode where he headlines. It's stupid that they don't pick a kid and stick with them and develop how they interact and grow with the cast interactions changing up to play off them.

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>make up a false reason something is wrong
>call you out
ok cuck

To be fair alot of shows do this so this isnt really strictly related to DT. ie: anime

>no one is going to be enticed with his asshat attitude animated for 30 minutes while he wins at everything
In the Uncle Scrooge comics, he didn't win at everything. One time the boys made him sign a contract to ensure their pay, otherwise he'd have to eat the horseradish they fished out of the sea. Another time Scrooge tricked Donald and his neighbor to rip out their gardens, roofs, and walls in order to get them to sell their houses to him. By the end of the comic Dewey, Huey, and Louie force him to come clean and he has to rebuild Donald's house and garden.

I meant somehow. As for the stroke, I don't know. I've been making those mistakes constantly lately. I'm worried something is wrong with me. I get tired after being awake for more than 12 hours and start to pass out soon after that from exhaustion.
Glad non-essential medical shit is off the table though, excellent timing. Peace may finally find me.

>false reasoning
>call you out
Cope and pretend I don't watch the show
>so you're saying nothing is wrong
Yeah you kind of were by insinuating that I could only have had those complaints if I weren't actually watching the show. Kill yourself any time.

As a fan of the original show the biggest problem with the reboot is that it’s so focused on NOT being like the original show it lacks both a focus due to the amount of characters they keep bringing in and it’s own identity with all of the constant cameos and callbacks to not only the old Duck comics but to the entire Disney Afternoon. Then there are other problems like the lackluster script, the annoying voice acting and the show’s inconsistent animation at certain times.

It's clear where the writing on the wall is
She is only showing up if relevant to a major plot point with Violet

>golf episode
You knew this was coming, but Caballeros never diverted attention away from Donald's arc, even when Panchito had his star moment, as that served as Donald's worst explosion that actively fucked over their adventure to the point of them all dying. Other shows doing it is no excuse and really proves how dumb it is that they do it as well to jack their narrative.
At least she's happier now.

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Bugs Bunny didn't win everytime either

Still though, it's not like providing an episode by episode arc is a requirement for good content. Also the LP Dewey episode was fun.