Less than a month until the Looney Tunes Cartoons come out. Are you cautiously optimistic?
Less than a month until the Looney Tunes Cartoons come out. Are you cautiously optimistic?
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ive run out of optimism. i am a cynical pessimist and will likely be pleased (if only with myself) with the outcome if it is complete garbage.
That's good
That is not good.
There is no hope.
hold on, there are two coyotes?
One is Ralph Wolf.
The Dover Chads are back?
>this whole fucking time i tought it was Willy coyote with a red nose
>it's another damm character
i feel so fucking dumb right now
no, it's gonna be overindulgent tom & jerry shit, not actual witty and well timed Looney Tunes.
the animation quality and designs are immaterial compared the quality of the writing.
It's fan art, not anything official. Thus whether or not the Dover boys will return remains a mystery.
I can already imagine the upcoming threads.
They're basically the same character except for the red nose and talking.
it's very hard to fuck up looney toons. so it will be decent to good. nothing kino tho
HOW has that wet cement leak not made it out yet
>Martian Bird's beak in front of Tina's breasts.
Problem, user?
I'm a Looney Tunes fan, but I don't know who this is.
Everyone whines about Bug' yellow gloves but what's the opinion on Daffy's gloves?
Hope is better than Wabbit, that show made me hate crazy Daffy and I used to love crazy Daffy.
That butt crack pleases me
He wore them sometimes in the classic shorts desu youtu.be
Do people actually think that this was the entire short and not just the climax of a longer one? It starts mid-music and mid-chase with Elmer having a scythe for no discernible reason, they clearly just used this segment as a promo to show off the animation.
What's with chinese Porkey and Chinese Tweety?
From what I've heard, it's a proof of concept.