"Truth or dare! Truth or dare!"

"Truth or dare! Truth or dare!"

"I'll take dare."

"I dare you to...kiss Lisa's brother!"

Attached: 190162.jpg (640x480, 39.27K)

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"on the penis"

This unfortunately was a lot more realistic depiction of girls' sleepovers than ecchi animes.

yeah those animes were made by only child nips who didn't have a sister

The special little guy is all kissed out, skank.

Attached: Bart's hopes and dreams.gif (480x360, 3.96M)

"on the bunghole"

Sneed and feed! Seed and feed!

I’ll take sneed.

I dare you you fuck and suck farmer 2!

It’s a good thing I brought a listening device to prove anything I did on a dare was in fact a dare and not my idea.
>Alright, where is he now?

Sure, Bart may hate it now but when he's 17 he'll be begging to get with her smoking hot friends.

Why is it in this episode Lisa has friends, but in other episodes she doesn't?

boy I hope somebody got fired for that blunder!

It was early in the show before they'd completely established her as a friendless aspie.


>me when I see yet another creepy Lisa thread on Yas Forums

no shit mang Al Jean said it was based on traumatic childhood memories of his sister's sleepovers

When my sister had friends stay over they would get high as shit and eat all the food and bother me when I was trying to play GameCube, I should have punched their teeth in.

What, you actually thought they walk around naked and kiss each other?


That Becky chick got a last name (Shorter) finally some time in the HD seasons


Once when my sister had a bunch of friends over, one of them confessed that she'd always wanted to kiss me. In hindsight I should have followed up on that, but I was too much of an aspie.

Everyone's had a girl come onto them and they were too spergy to notice it. Happened to all of us at some point.

She only has friends when the plots calls for it

You should have fucked your sister


I've always hated the "Lisa has no friends" thing. Janey should've gotten the Milhouse treatment.

The writers really never did care about any of the female characters, adult or kid. There's several likely reasons for that.

Wait why's the one girl wearing a onesie? Nobody wears those after preschool age.

Attached: 8978.jpg (822x586, 78.65K)


Attached: that's kinda hot.jpg (216x160, 27.49K)

Seriously, he's gotten more nookie than most get in their entire adult life.

She's pretty damn hot I must admit.

dammit, none of that ever happened to me. and my sister had friends over, so it had every opportunity to
she has like, acquaintances. oftentimes with sleepovers you just invite everyone you know. the important thing is nobody relates to her on a deeper level. that's why she was so excited about Allison

>that's why she was so excited about Allison

got i came so many buckets to the idea of them lezzing out