Can he pull it off Yas Forums?
Joss Whedon Has Met With Disney About 'Fantastic Four'
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Can't be as much of a let down than Age of Ultron
Or Justice League.
Can this faggot fuck off? No one wants him back on Marvel. AoU sucked. FF belongs in safer hands after all the shit movies they already had.
Can do action scenes
Is a real fan of comics
He's very good at casting hot actress
JL basically had zero expectations come opening weekend
That was Synder's mess he had to attempt to salvage
I'm starting to think I'm going to see this movie at the theater
how can he save a movie with gadot?
How dare Disney continue to have a relationship with this abusive sex pervert. I thought they support #metoo?
Neat, Age of Ultron was great
I hope they find Sue Storm here
No, Whedon always plays it safe.
He could do a great spider-man, but FF needs to take a chance to be successful.
Age of Ultron aged better than Avengers
It's so weird how Age of Ultron, a product that was meddled so much with by Ike Perlmutter, fucked over Joss Whedon's reputation so much.
Wonder who will die in order to unite the Fantastic Four against Doctor Doom.
...said Josh Trank.
Its weird how the Snydercult shifts the blame for JL being shit to Whedon as though Snyder's previous films weren't panned
My guess is all of Yancy Street gets fire bombed.
Well, we know they won't be from the 1960's. I doubt Whedon can do his snappy dialogue with 60's talk.
>Its weird how the Snydercult shifts the blame for JL being shit to Whedon as though Snyder's previous films weren't panned
only BvS was
Snyder's movies were at least memorable and didn't feel as generic when compared to Whedon's movies.
Why does Feige continue to get a free pass when he meddled with the movie as well?
possibly the worst pick
enough of this guy
I think Whedon should do X-Men
not writing wise
can you show me proof or are you talking out of your ass like always?
Plenty of mutants to die in order to motivate the X-men to work together and defeat the villain of the film. First it can be Thunderbird. Next it can be Jean. And if more is necessary, just choose a random living mutant out of a hat.
I thought he was still blacklisted after his wife MeToo’d him?
I guess cause after Perlmutter was gone, none of the MCU films were interrupted to say "Look at this future film tease!" like they did during Age of Ultron. Wakanda, Cap and Tony just blatantly lining up Civil War, the Ragnarok tease, the Infinity War talks and the Infinity Stones talks. AoU didn't work because they were telling you "Everything is going to work out fine because we're promoting so much stuff after this film".
Hell, the way the film just stops so Tony could talk about "how are we going to stop the aliens from space" thing is so out of place in the film.
And Man Of Steel and Suckerpunch and Watchmen
Snydercult are very low iq ESLs though, that's why they are the way they are
Just when I thought 2020 couldn't get worse.
You know what else is memorable? 9/11. The Challenger explosion. JFK's assassination. "Memorable" isn't always a good thing.
He was hired to make apple pie out of another man's beef wellington. Not really fair to lay that entirely at his feet.
Everyone say it with me and maybe they'll hear it
>Why does Feige continue to get a free pass
He earned it