Underground Comix, are they any good?
Underground Comix, are they any good?
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Some are, some aren't.
Is there a bigger buzzword that this?
We only read capes round here mister
They were made when being crude and rude in comics can get you arrested.
It was a different time.
What he said.
I see this particular cartoonist is bashing Crumb. To each their own. I've actually read a lot of Crumb's comics and they're not all about his wild sex fantasies. Some of those comix were made as a reaction to the strick censorship of the Comic Code Authority that pervaded at the time.
Some of these underground cartoonists, including Crumb, went on to make more interesting comics.
It's what my English teacher used to call "wimp words".
Good, bad, kinda...not very evocative, and contain no strong feelings or commitment.
Are Underground Comix...bold, challenging, relevant, provocative? That's more of a question.
They were mostly trash but they opened up the medium to better material later on. The art was usually better than the writing.
I think the problem is that a lot of them were purposefully extreme and transgressive, and that only has so much value. There's only so much unfiltered id dumped out on the page that you can read before it gets old.
>Got any comics?
>We got both kinds: Marvel and DC
What are you talking about, people literally risked going to jail for selling "obscene material".
>a lot of them were purposefully extreme and transgressive
They were reacting against the Comic Code Authority. You make a good point though, that it opened the door to better things.
I'm a Crumb fan, but I can admit that not everything he made was great. He does have some good underrated comics though that have nothing to do with sex.
A lot of them honestly aren't, but they're important in a historical context. They were also pretty short lived. By the mid 70s guys like Spiegelman and Groth were pushing indie artists to do more than just sex, drugs and rock & roll.
yeah because a faggy little comic like this is so much better god damnit fuck you nerd robert crumb had more soul in the tip of his dick than your entire body and soul
OP please find the creator of this comic and deliver unto them this message
>4 panel bland as wheat toast artist is made uncomfortable by horny comix
not a shocker
The comic would end with the protagonist having "consensual" sex with some loli
Little known fact, France's age of consent is 11
They seem to be irrelevant today when everything is digital and everyone can find them.
his jokes are actually pretty out there this one was bland for emphasis, honestly crumb was a perv
>tfw, you will never be this based for taking on the Disney company
Incel mickey? What?
Why did Crumb trigger that comic's artist so much?
Cuckold comic.
I wouldn't mind this comic if it wasn't part of a context of awful people trying to destroy anything heterodox.
>can't use the name
so brave
The underground comix at the time were about breaking taboos. Not the "muh sjw" type but the "government shutting down your store because obscenity" kind of shit.
Not to mention giving women some of their first roles in producing comis etc.
At that time the comics were more about being interesting to look at, and doing whatever the fuck you wanted. Fuck the comics code. Fuck the man shutting down the shop your books are in. We're making this shit.
and it was pretty vital. The stuff from that scene would go on to inspire a lot of great artist in the 80s/90s and onward.
Crumb had some risque shit, and some stuff that would still be considered fucked by today's standards. But one thing he wasnt: inhibited. Ever.
Groth pushed a loy if limp dick autobio. I never got the impression that Crumb was reacting to mainstream comics. He never dwells on it like a lot if those guys did/do. I think he just didn’t give a fuck.
Pretty reductionist. Plenty of underground stuff that was horny or violent.
I've been there.
No, its fun things are fun.
It wasnt against the content of the mainstream comics itself, but re as acting to what wasnt allowed through the main channels.
>make innocuous joke
>comics experts seethe
gooby fucks?
Your teacher sounds like a faggot.