Is superhero inherently fascist or totalitarian?
Is superhero inherently fascist or totalitarian?
Woulden't that depend on the writer?
No, you just posted a socialist superhero who performs
But,as Alan Moore said in Watchmen, Isn't the nature of superhero inherently fascism?
I would say no because many superheroes operate outside the scope of the legitimate legal structure. There is something kind of unsettling about the idea, though. A class of people that are allowed to place themselves above the law and its reprocussians because it's presumed that their intentions are benevolent. Of course the dark side of that idea is one of comics' favorite horses to flog.
Moore's retarded, he literally wrote a comic with Utopian Socialist Superheroes
It’s based on Vigilantism.
Which is operating outside the law.
Which is the exact opposite of authoritarianism.
You could’ve done the argument that DKR was fascist because it ends up with Batman starting a cult
Superman appreciate humanity despite his power and intellect is far above that of humanity.
He always help people despite he need not appreciate earth.
What is so fascistic about Superman?
get help
But the cult still fought against an authoritarian government
No. The notion doesn't even make a lot of sense sense so few of them operate under the umbrella of any government. If anything they're libertarian or anarchistic or some shit.
So, Superheroes can be liberal,conservative,fasicst,socialist,authoritarian,anarchist,etc?
Superheroes are inherently radical but not inherently authoritarian.
>Superheroes are inherently radical
Yes for fuck's sake.
I swear this is getting worse than /tg/s alignment threads.
If Superheroes obeyed authority without any limitation, it will have done worse than Superheroes as vigilante.Isn't it apparent through Dr Manhattan in Watchmen? Dr Manhattan gave the goverment absolute power and It almost ended the world.
When was the last time you've met a superhero who just sits there and twiddles his thumbs, meekly not trying to step on anyone's shoes?
How is stepping on toes radical? No matter where you stand you run afoul of someone's desires. Even stupid centrists.
No, you just don't know what those words mean.
But,There are many thread insisting Superheroes are fasist.
Just Alan Moore threads.
They don't know what those words mean, either.
I agree.
BTW, don't moorefags misunderstand the theme of Watchmen?
Considering Dr Manhattan and Comedian, Superheroes obeying authority lead to fascism and it will end the world.
So, are Superheroes morally evil?
They put themselves above the law, and they do things through violence.
Could you argue that Batman has been authoritarian since getting sidekicks then?
Superheroes are untouchable authority violently enforces the will of the state and capital and sees the world in a clear black and white way with little to no nuance
We should question whether there is fascist Superhero.
Why do people call Superheroes fascist?
Superheroes lack definition of fascism.
No, they're individualists.