>Superheroes are fascist
How do you respond?
Superheroes are fascist
That's what makes them super heroes.
I don't care, these books about men in tights give me respite from my failed life.
I unironically support fascism
fascism is preferable to anarchy you stupid git
Define fascism.
I think you're right
Superheroes are neoliberal.
I've always maintained that superhero fiction is inherently conservative, and it's used as a power fantasy by more liberal writers to explore those ideas in a guilt-free environment.
So am I
How are they conservative?
they're trying to conserve~ the status quo
Not necessarily. The X-men explicitly aren't
Anybody have any ideas on when The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic is coming out?
those are racial extremists that don't count
>we're the minority so we can do whatever we want
seriously what were they thinking
But heroes directly help people, which is the opposite of conservative ideology.
Based af.
Superman in the early Golden Age was taking out mob bosses and corrupt politicians. Look, I can buy the power fantasy part. The inherently fascist part not so much.
Batman is trying to destroy the crime ridden status quo of Gotham City. Organized crime, especially is essentially a government and the dominant one in Gotham.
Leftists unironically equate neoliberalism with fascism.
Their method of "helping" is entirely conservative. The idea that crime and injustice combated violently, either during or after the act is a conservative Idea.
No matter what opinion a character or their writer supposedly holds, using physical force to apprehend the perpetrator and locking them up until they're released (to reoffend) conservative fiction. A more liberally-minded, proactive approach would be to target the causes of undesirable behaviour and find a way to prevent it entirely.
Wrong. Studies have repeatedly shown how charitable conservatives are in their private lives. They just don't believe in government handouts. So conservatives would be into "private sector" heroes like Batman and against public sector outfits like a UN backed Justice League or Checkmate.
Get the bullet scum
Lmfao what? Marx was adamantly for arming the proletariat and using force to achieve goals
>Superheroes are fascist
Superheroes are actually generally anti-authoritarian, at least in their most faithful interpretation as vigilantes.
Superheroes that are authoritarian are generally set within idealistic universes aimed at a younger demographic, anyway.
dilate hon
That user is talking about using force to maintain the status quo, not just force in general. Getting at the source of the problem is what is considered leftist.
>people like Stalin were trannies
Imagine siding with fucking neoliberals to dab on leftists. Neocons are such pussies.
>A more liberally-minded, proactive approach would be to target the causes of undesirable behaviour and find a way to prevent it entirely.
Well I guess we will just contact Darkseid's social worker next time he starts causing trouble.