What if cartoons were allowed to show sexual situations without being considered "adult"?

What if cartoons were allowed to show sexual situations without being considered "adult"?

Attached: Consider the following Homer Simpson.jpg (600x451, 25.28K)

That's called anime.

Would children of America really be all that corupted or ruined by showing sexy stuff in cartoons for all ages?

Even if the chances are indeed high, its worth the suffering for the endlesss laughs I'd get.

That depends on wheyher or not these situations would be sexualized

you can show all the sex you want, you just can't show a nipple.

Yeah like why cant they be shown in a mundane tone?

Don't those still get a teen or adult rating? It's just nobody pays attention to the raitings because online's we're all a bunch of men watching it all?

I doubt it,Doraemon and the original Dragon Ball had nudity and that didn't turn every Japanese person into a rapist.

Is it wrong I want an episode of Ed Edd n Eddy where Ed and Eddy find a pck of condoms and Double D has to skirt around the issue of why he's freaked out about while trying to get them to get rid of it?

Yeah but American children are different.

is what the execs of Television studios think.

Well, there are a lot of prudes out there. Parents who don't teach their kids about sex etc. you're asking for a pretty big culture shift

90% of anime that gets rated "for teens and adults" in America are adaptions of manga published in magazines aimed at 9-12 year old boys.

Totally Spies

what if you werent a faggot pedophile freak?

You people need to get outside and talk to real human beings

Why on earth would we do that

And most of that anime is shonen garbage that would never show sex scenes anyway. The stuff that is rated for teens and up in Japan is the kind of shit you never see in the west unless you seek it out

> that didn't turn every Japanese person into a rapist.
No, but molestation is as common as lunch

So just like America.

Nigga, America better step the fuck up if it's gonna match nip levels of groping 12-year olds on the subway

But mom we're not allowed outside

We don’t have a subway system. If we had a subway like Japan that everyone packs into like sardines, you would hear about it here more. It’s an opportunity thing, and that opportunity isn’t present here

Why do you think you'd hear about it here *more*?

Is it wrong that I have an idea for where they find the condoms?
Hint: not in one of their houses.

Special hugs?

>excessive violence and death
Eh, whatever
>bare tits and the idea that pp goes in vague

Well given there was an episode where Eddy was worried about his mom finding his porn mags, and the one about Jimmy and Sarah wanting to know where babies come from, and Ed's Chicks Galore magazine, yeah its understandable

An ocean of bed sheets?

>And most of that anime is shonen garbage that would never show sex scenes anyway
Not sex scenes, but they do have perverts, panty shots, sexual innuendo, and fetishy fan service for days

>land of SJWs not taking every opportunity to bitch that someone squeezed their whale meat on the train

We would know Homer spends longer getting out of his shorts than he spends inside Marge.

Not in the bulk of shonen they don’t. At most they have a handful of cleavage shots or a little boob jiggle. Maybe if you are lucky a high steam bathhouse scene. Panty shots are an absolute never ever thing these days in anything below light ecchi.

Innuendos are present just as much in western cartoons, and that’s been the case for decades. I still can’t believe TTGo got away with Cyborg beating his meat

>What if cartoons were allowed to show sexual situations without being considered "adult"?
That's how it is now?
There's many cartoons that present fetishes or even imply sex/rape