Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

Attached: BoJack Horseman S04E12 1080p Netflix WEB-DL DD+ 5.1 x264-TrollHD.mkv_083029.jpg (1920x1080, 459.24K)

Anyone who thinks this shit show was ever good.

Mr Peanutbutter is obsessed with doing what he wants to do for others instead of what they actually want/need, Diane is literally impossible to please. Everyone was wrong, all the time.

Both were terrible for each other and should have stayed single all the rest of their lives to avoid hurting anyone else.

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None of the characters in Bojack were good people.
Watched it for pure schadenfreude and boy was I satisfied

Diane. Obviously.

The answer is always Diane.


Diane. She was a fucking mental case and should have been locked up in episode 1.

How come?

OP for making this thread again.

>None of the characters in Bojack were good people.

Not even Judah?

Normal words

Both were equally at fault. Then the next season turned Diane into a fucking crazy person and completely threw out Mr. Peanut Butter's good intentions and sense of morals. The last two seasons retroactively ruined that moment and the series in general.

His beard musk telepathically manipulated Princess Carolyn into sabotaging a potentially stable relationship with Stilton. Evil. Seriously though, he only looks bad because Princess C acts so out of character by that point.

Diane for aborting her child who would have giving a reason to be with each other. She/he would also give her a reason to live instead of work and "changing the world".

>having a kid will fix your relationship
hot take from an autist

No I'm saying a relationship will not last without one. What were they going to do for the next 50 years of their life?

I don't agree with the other post in terms of the baby part, but Diane clearly had an unfulfilling career and lack of direction in life. It felt a little weird and condescending that the last season acts as if medication is a more important form of treatment than quitting her crappy job and experimenting with other jobs or kinds of volunteer work. She could mentor young girls or join some kind of local non-profit instead of everything else the writers had her do.

No one is right or wrong and everyone is fucked up
That was the point of the show

ESPECIALLY Harvey Weinstein and Harry Hippo. They're not wrong at all.

Lol retard

Horrible take, just because a relationship theoretically would need a child to sustain it's self doesn't mean they're ready for one and or that it would work out even with the addition of a kid

>felt a little weird and condescending that the last season acts as if medication is a more important form of treatment than quitting her crappy job and experimenting with other jobs or kinds of volunteer work
I think the point of that wasn't to say that medication is a magic cure pill that can do more than quitting a shit job can, but that depression doesn't always have a source, and in that case medication would be pretty helpful

literally ANYTHING else

Diane. Literally just Diane, how hard is it to be grateful for a gift? I mean my god.

I'd agree if we didn't spend every single season beforehand watching Diane complain about her job and her work environment. The only time we see her do non-profit work is in an extremely high stress situation overseas, as if there aren't countless problems in the United States she could work on and see a huge impact. Not that the White liberal writers would notice, but California has a massive homelessness problem and little girls from migrant families can really struggle in school due to the language barrier. Those are just some examples and I'm sure similar issues are present no matter where you are.

The reason I called it "condescending" is because the writers are acting like the audience wouldn't notice how consistently unstable Diane's work life is and how that thematically butts against her time in Cordovia. It's a major part of her character's mental health. There's a very obvious compromise (volunteer locally) that the writers flat out ignored in a really glaring way.

Honesty it depends on Diane. At the time I thought she would have grown up if she had a kid, but the latter seasons made me thing she was too crazy.

Yeah but not together. Relationship are hard and without a reason they will full apart. Mr Peanut Butter dodge a bullet.

People can build lives together without popping out children. Have the ability to have your own space can even keep a relationship together. Depends on the people involved. People fear not following the basic blue prints to society because they think it will leave them unfulfilled. But those who don't feel the calling to be parents are only feeling the pressure from society to REPRODUCE.

>People can build lives together without popping out children. Have the ability to have your own space can even keep a relationship together. Depends on the people involved

I agree there a some people like this. I myself can't imagine finding fulfilled in it. We live long life now and love can only last so long. It seems like a shallow relationship build on convenience. But that just me.

>But those who don't feel the calling to be parents
I know a flew men like this, they seem happy, however are druggies so I don't know what came first. When it comes to Diane it clear she has a hole in her heart and instead of fulling it with love of child or God she screams at the world and everyone around her. Putting her on antidepressant seem to me a bandage solution to existential dread, however maybe she really is just off balance in the head.

Diane has difficulties with her mental state, I don't find that to be a good time to bring a child into the world. Also a person like her isn't going to find fulfillment in "God". Religion can be a righteous powerful force for some, but a completely useless concepts for others. Leaps of faith work only for certain people. Again neither right nor wrong just the way people think.

I believe having kids is one of the most important and serious decisions a person can make in their lives, and are far too many decide to as a way to fix their situation. Instead I think someone should have a child when they are complete and now want to show a new person the joys they found in the world up until this point.

>I know a flew men like this, they seem happy, however are druggies so I don't know what came first.

probably made the right decision then. I don't really find anything wrong with controlled drug use but not around child. Again gotta chose the road that brings you the most joy.

Personally I enjoy looking forward to the rest of my life and the near limitless opportunity I have since neither myself nor my partner wants children. There's so much art, and hobbies and adventures one can have. Books to read, films to watch, animals to observe, people to meet. That alone brings me peace. Again I ultimately believe its worth pursuing the best life for the individual not the collective . I do count myself lucky I found something with that same mindset.

>Diane is literally impossible to please
and yet she's doing fine with her down to earth freelancer cameraman yak bf