Nope. Nope. Nope?
Nope. Nope. Nope?
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Honestly that situation. would be the kind of thing to cause a haunting if ghost existed.
She would have grown up to be a thot like all the rest.
Fuck off, incel
She was only 10, man. And even if she HAD lived she never had a proper childhood.
imagine being a beta cuck dad jealous of your own daughter's success that instead of celebrating and supporting her so she can have a better future, you kill her
>she never had a proper childhood.
Can you provide proof?
Imagine being raped because of Steven Spielberg
I'm more disgusted at the hypocrisy of humans. Father kills his own offspring, he's a monster who deserves to suffer. Mother who kills her offspring, is considered empowered and they call it abortion to hide she's murdering children while avoiding consequences.
Humans are a shit species.
user no one will call you a monster for fapping.
>Humans are a shit species.
I think most people on this board realize this. It's why we attach so hard to our fantasies and things we like. Reality is too shit to give a damn for.
>caring more because it was a kid
im surprised the dad didn't know considering his nose
I never understood the logic how murdering an unborn child isn't consider evil.
Define evil.
Now she really is a concrete angel.
Tell that to all the parents who beat their kids half to death and treat them like Satan's own spawn for even mildly displaying sexual interests. Usually whilst they have their own extremely fucked up shit in their closets.
Your bitching never ends.
Okay I meant to say a felony.
Man chill the fuck out.
I don't even know who you are, my guy.
What is felonious about it?
Boy, then how come you haven't gunned down as many women who've had sex in their lives as possible? You realize how many fertilized eggs they've passed?
Oh, wait, you don't actually give a shit about actually saving children, you just don't want women to be able to have any autonomy over their reproductive health. Gotcha
Cause murder is a felony.
>t. radical feminazi
Murder is the illegal killing of a person. There are legal ways to end life. It is debatable that a fetus even is human life but assuming it is, it is a legal form of killing to abort. There is no crime being committed. If you believe it to be wrong for some reason, lobby for your cause.
alright so in case anyone was wondering OP posted a story about the murder of the child VA from Land Before Time and it only took 9 posts before it turned into an abortion thread
there's no longer any point denying it, Yas Forums is dead, Yas Forums has been a dead a long time. we are now simply a husk animated by Yas Forums like Weekend at Bernie's
t.jidf/dumb future infertile cunt
Killin children and not reproducing is good. Wanna proof? Ok.
Do you like the life you're living now? Pretty shitty isn't it? Well guess what caused it. The fact that in a certain nation too many people reproduced. Just think about it; if some of those people haven't reproduced, we wouldn't be having an epidemic right now.
If reproduction really is do friggin cool and amazing, why didn't it produce anyone capable of curing coronavirus, hmmm??? And since it hasn't, well, what purpose does it even serve? Reproduction created a problem for you but now it can't even solve it. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. It would be best to cease it completely.