Fuck, Marry, Kill

Fuck, Marry, Kill

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Kill Steven, fuck Mabel and Star, marry no one.

A loli, A fat bitch and another loli... What amazing choices!

Can I just kill all three instead?

Fuck Kill Fuck

Kill with fire
Fuck and marry him
Kill by scaphism

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Fuck Steven, Marry Star, Kill Mabel

What’s scaphism?

kill star
fuck mabel until she dies
marry steven?

I like how Steven is annoyed with them.


Kill steven
Fuck star
Marry mabel

He knows they’re cunts

Fuck & Marry your mom, Kill yourself

Marry, and feminize Steven
Fuck Mabel
Kill Star

Easy; Fuck Mabel, literally, she's a cunt. Kill that fat autistic rock-based Xenos retard, and marry my waifu.

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Fuck and marry the round boy. Kill the others.

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I mean it’s not that hard to feminize him. He can literally make like the perfect pussy

He didn't seem to have any issue with wearing Sadie's performance outfit. Feminization shouldn't be too bad for him

Good on you for actually making this one difficult.

I guess Steven's shown the most ability to grow as a person, so marry him.
For all her faults, Mabel should be a fun fuck.
And hell, at least Mabel was more entertaining than Star, who was annoying in way too many ways. Star's earned a good killin'.

I think Star deserves death because she actually killed magic beings.
Marry Mabel, because if she's my wife I'd out her on check.
At least you can get good fusion sex Steven

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>No Steg


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Marry sweet boy fuck Mable I guess and kill the person who apparently committed mass homicide

Fill Steven, cuck Star, marry Mabel.

>From Gem Glow to Know Your Fusion
do you even read?

Fuck Mabel
Kill Star
marry Steven

Fuck Star because she's the closest to being at an age where that wouldn't be fucking weird as shit.
Marry Mabel because there's still time for her to mature I guess, also she didn't genocide magic.
Kill Steven because I'm not a homosexual.

Just saying you could have gotten a better one

unironically Based

Kill Stephen three times

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This is an anonymous board, you don't have to signal so hard about your heterosexuality and age-appropriate attraction.