So what do you think happens to her?

So what do you think happens to her?

Attached: Chocolate Snek.png (1138x477, 719.93K)

Knowing Incase? Cheating or dead.

The dead one feels most in character for Cilian because if he was just cucked one would expect him to have bitter feelings about whores and maybe even sneks. However dying seems too dark for this porn comic.
Has anyone even died yet?

Alfie's dad heterosexuality.

Can't be dead if it was never alive.

Eaten by a bigger naga.

Potentially cucked by her own mother, going by the WIP on Incase's twitter. Is Cillian going to ruin one mother-daughter relationship before helping to fix another?

>Potentially cucked by her own mother,
Cillian, you stupid cunt.

>Cilian didn't run away because he's afraid of being hurt, he ran away because he's afraid of hurting others.
Damn bro.

>sneks have assholes in the back
Why would you draw this, incase???

Maybe he's just hotdogging, Snek Fiance doesn't appeartto have a butthole but very strong looking glute-like muscles where a butt should be.

Shit you're right. Hotdogging is boring, I wanna see 2 twinks sharing a cloaca.

>doesn't actually show Snake butthole
You got my hopes up for nuthin user

That'd take some acrobatics in this situation.

He just fell in love with a Havlin Twink after knocking up Vera.

You know? Everything is his fault.

Oh totally, I am just hoping like hell he gets his comeuppance, and Bernard too.

That's not really in the spirit of the comic.
The worst that would happen is they probably remain miserable being in the closet especially since Dad lost his beard.

I haven't read this since Vera and Cilian started fucking and they set off. Largely because I didn't care for Alfie's character and she brought the porn down with her.

Can someone give me a momentary summary of what I've missed?

I really enjoyed Vera/Cilian's part of the story (Vera is notably less insufferable as Alfie,) and I am REALLY praying Cilian didn't cheat or anything.

>tfw no brown tomboy snek gf

I'm just wondering about what's going to happen with his whole Invitation biz


Who cares

>> human seed attempting to fertilize snake eggs

Invitation alone gave me a relationship reversal fetish

>Dyslexic blonde guy and chocolate muscle waifu fuck again during giant goat orgy, pretty much establish themselves as a couple in all.but name
>Alfie finally, FINALLY gets with sticc goat girl, reluctantly agrees to go steady with her
>literally THE NEXT DAY she fucks it up when chocolate waifu drops bombshell that Alfie had threesome with them when everyone thought she and Marco were together
>to save face Alfie proves she's worst girl and throws her friends to the wolves by saying they're lying
>sticc goat realizes Alfie a shit and doesnt want to be with her
>later Alfie spots moral bitch Hannah getting it on with giant orc gentleman cock, calls her out on hypocrisy for being high and mighty while sleeping around
>confesses she lied about Lydia/Marco lying and genuinely loves sleeping with anyone she can get her mitts on
>Hannah somehow takes this to mean she just really needs to know true love, vows to be her wingman from then on
>Alfie: Ihavemadeahugemistake.jpg

And now we're getting flashback to Cillian and snek waifu

Lydia is gonna get pregnant, calling it.

Relationship reversal?

>Snake girl
>No coiling involved in the sex

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why isn't the snek covered in scales?

Attached: YIKES.png (428x420, 43.46K)

Or she grows a dick

William becomes a demongirl, while his wife becomes a demongirl with a dick and fucks him

That's just genderbender, innit?