At what point does Adult Swim get desperate and let Metalocaplypse finish and bring back ATHF?

At what point does Adult Swim get desperate and let Metalocaplypse finish and bring back ATHF?

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ATHF coming back is inevitable at this point even if they have to recast Frylock. But since it will be a desperation revival it will probably be soulless

>At what point does Adult Swim get desperate and let Metalocaplypse
Probably soonish
>and bring back ATHF

ATHF makes more sense that kissing Small’s ass to get him back

Better question is how much time does Toonami have left?

Frylick was homeless and never got royalties from ATHF. Seriously this is Disney level shit treatment of your own staff.

>But since it will be a desperation revival it will probably be soulless
If the old crew is willing to do it (and they probably are) then I doubt it.

That wasn’t true though. The reality was he pissed all the money away and blamed AS for his own financial irresponsibility. Notice how none of the other ATHF staff ever had complaints


About a year at most.

>let Metalocaplypse finish
I mean, Mike Lazzo stepped down, so this is actually possible now.

With choices like this, not long

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Was Lazzo truly the only roadblock? Or does Small hold animosity towards AS in general for what a clown Lazzo was?

It was obviously not just Lazzo, but him being gone is a start.

Small insulted Lazzo so Lazzo cancelled his show. Seemed to be a 2 person rodeo

Just take it behind the shed at this point

> ATHF coming back is inevitable

how? why? The show ended on a solid note after being renewed, and [as] hasn't really done any kind of revival work since like they have for SpaceGhost/Birdman/12oz.

Because AS needs content and this is one of their most successful properties

That's exactly how I expect Frylock would end up: Broke and alone and going back to the hood
What if Shake generated income?

shake has been in multiple projects at as. hes not hurting. from squidbillies to your pretty face hes still around

I'd imagine Metalocapyspe to be to expensive to continue

>to expensive

No more drinks.

being a successful IP isn't a reason to bring it back. the cultural atmosphere has moved on from shows of that style, same reason why you never see anyone talk about the 4th Boondocks season - in the gap between seasons the show's comedy became irrelevant.

BBball too

I never said it was smart. I said they NEED content

I’m putting my bet in now when the May 9 schedule drops, PA is going to be in the 2:30 slot

yep. dana is set

FT soon.

I’m genuinely interested now in what replaces Demon Slayer because he is making it blatantly obvious he has entirely lost control of the situation and even in a crisis will not do anything out of the norm. I can’t imagine the first hour of the block showing an ancient ASA reject, but yesterday I had the same thought for every slot except maybe 2:30.

It’s to the point you get more entertainment watching the ship sink then actually watching the shows

It's like that 25 year old alley cat that never dies.

Is that paranoia agent post for real?